Civello Salon Colours

I don’t know why any of you would want to know this information, but I’m throwing it out there for what it’s worth: here is a listing of the Benjamin Moore closest colour matches to the designer colour scheme that graces the Queen Street Civello spa (I did reconnaisance work today involving a lot of frantic whipping out of the Benjamin Moore Designer Classics Collection Colour System paint chips and scribbling down of wall colours when my masseuse was out of the room waiting for me to change back into my robe).

The walls are always divided by a paint “chair rail”, with either two complementary colours divided two thirds top of wall to one third bottom of wall, or the same colour with the upper finish 2/3 flat or matte, and the lower finish 1/3 satin or semi-gloss.

The red walls: somewhere between Autumn Leaf CC-92 and Northern Fire CC-94
The grey walls: somewhere between Amherst Gray HC-167 and Chelsea Gray HC-168
The green doors: very close to Tea Light CC-610
The yellow upper wall: almost certainly Lemon Ice OC-114, but possibly Vanilla Ice Cream OC-90
The khaki chair rail: maybe Cream Cloak OC-135, possibly Minced Onion OC-128

I have weird hobbies.

4 thoughts on “Civello Salon Colours

  1. hey, there’s no shame in paint swatches – I did the pitch for the GlucoTrim campaign using the nifty little color books that Behr paint has out right now – they’re really nice, metallic indent stamping & everything.

    Prussian blue mixed with Ivory Black & Alizarin Crimson – my personal favorites. 😉

    ¿cuál el infierno es bano? ::tos::extraño::tos::

  2. Said once a young girl named Fogarty:
    “David, one of these weekends – let’s party!”
    I said: “This weekend’s good”
    In the hopes that she would
    Drive on down. Was that just a false start-y?


  3. It is imperative that, with or without me, you go to see the Extra Action Marching Band perform tonight. They are in NYC. Here is their website with location details:

    Not going would be like me refusing to come to a Tenacious D concert three years ago, before I knew who they were. Sad, and very regrettable.

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