Nerd Talk

Ahhh, hackers. Je t’aime. I thought , with his delerious adoration of google maps, would like to know that te wonderful told me that Jeffrey Warren and his buddies spent an hour or so and put together a map depicting Star Wars Imperial ATAT attack on Palo Alto with pre-API Google Maps code.

Goodbye, Microsoft; Hello, Sith. Wait, is that a paradox?

There’s also an *animated* hack, with invaders moving around the map. This time invaders are mozillas and gnus converging towards Microsoft Offices in Redmond.

I can’t wait for these unsex’d, sugar-inhaling, caffeine-ridden little beggars to start programming playable games on Google Maps. Think of the possibilities, kiddies! Risk? Civilization? Project Gotham Racing? Make it happen, you snot-nosed brats, or I’ll call your mother and make her unplug your modem until you capitulate to my demands.

Oh, and if anyone wants to get me a super-late birthday gift, please feel free to cast some consideration on Chibi-Robo for GameCube, due out in February 2006. Not only will *I* thank you, I’m pretty sure my roommates will as well, since the game involves being a little robot who cleans and tidies a big house (that’s not the whole story, of course, but still…). Think how positive an effect this might have on my general slovenliness! Try not to focus on how I’ll be spending time playing videogames instead of doing laundry. I’ll be learning by osmosis. Right?

5 thoughts on “Nerd Talk

  1. Make it happen, you snot-nosed brats, or I’ll call your mother and make her unplug your modem until you capitulate to my demands.
    that’s officially my favorite threat of the morning.

  2. there are no means, short of janitorial boot-camp, that will work on your pack-rat/territorial expansionist tendencies. I know this, having been witness to the colonization of free space by your mammoth laundry piles. But I’ll think about the game, if only in vain hope 😉

  3. Just wanted to say that I had no idea what you talked about at all in this post. To my non-web savvy brain, you might as well have been speaking in Urdu. Me no so smart.

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