I hate the phone. Hate it. Yet, I need to conquer that hatred and get my phone on, since the list of people I need to call or call back is growing out of control.
Top of list:
– Alastair re: not having sent writing sample for Shakespeare & Co. book review
– Aloy (salesman at Trento Suzuki motors) re: my dead car in his parking lot
– Yvonne Lane at my quilt guild re: work shift this Saturday morning
– Olivia re: thanks for flowers, left bag at house on Sunday
On other list of things to do:
– deposit cheque DONE!
– drink glass of red wine to celebrate end of Excelsior awards DONE!
– post massive backlog of quilt photos UNDERWAY
– book vacation with United airlines credit NOT IN ANY WAY ACCOMPLISHED DUE TO PHONEPHOBIA
– find birthday gift by March 17 for JVL (digital scale? Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVDs?)
You don’t have to phone me! Consider me thanked. 😀
When your Aunt was here, she told me she was worried about S.B. and asked if she had said anything to me or to you. I told her she hadn’t and that I was sure that S.B. would open up to her when she was ready. Never underestimate the antennae of a mother, eh?
I have been compiling similar list of phone calls I don’t want to make. Why can’t everyone just do everything by e-mail!?
Dude-I so hear you. I have MASSIVE phonophobia. I use the phone as little as humanly possible.
I’ve blocked out my memories of life before email, but I must have used the phone more, and thus, had a constant anxiety stomach ache.
OMG, I know! Every now and then I think back to when we had to all call each other to make social plans and I stop wondering why I was depressed and tragic and never left the house.