Piffle III: Revenge of the Piffle

My neck sucks today. It’s stiff and sore and achey and no matter which way I rotate it, I feel like leprechauns sneakily rammed steel bars into it last night. Yuck. This calls for a trip to a Registered Massage Therapist.

But when? And where? I guess I’ll book downtown for sometime next week, but really I should be saving my money for the massive hair removalathon that must occur before I can put on swimwear of any kind. There needs to be some serious depilatory action from the waist down, yes indeedy.

Justin’s real birthday gift hasn’t shown up in the mail yet, but he got cash from me yesterday and a 4-pack of Kilkenny with this pretty collectable glass Guinness coaster (collect all four!), so I think he’ll survive.

The quilt does look really good. Was too pooped to take photos of it last night when I got home as I was settling into a carb coma after my Thai feast with , , and guest of honor . Will try again over the weekend.

Now, to continue the struggle to renew my birth control prescription. Stupid pharmacies. Argh.

5 thoughts on “Piffle III: Revenge of the Piffle

  1. There is a Sutherland Chan clinic in the financial district…um…lemme look that up for you. My friend Susan works there a couple of times a week.

  2. Turns out there is one at The Doctor’s office at Atrium on Bay, one at the RBC Plaza at Bay and Front,one at 200 Wellington St West AND the one at First Canadian Place, which is where Sue works. But don’t ask me which days. I can attest that she’s good, however.

    ALSO? She has a practice out of her home, which is at Dufferin just south of Lawrence, which is more convenient to you than it is to me.

    Lemme know if you want her number.

  3. I love you both! Right after I posted, though, I booked in for a 20-minute “quickie” at Elmwood, which is the closest place to my work. I’m going to pop over there on my lunchhour, since I have to run home after work to see the birthday boy.

    I’ll keep gmajor and the clinic at the Doctor’s Office in the Atrium (convenient!) in mind for future days.

    Thank you thank you!

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