School’s In for the Summer

So, I did end up signing on for the Ryerson Macromedia Studio course: it starts tomorrow night, and goes until August 1st. I bought the software this afternoon, at an extremely reasonable although still upsettingly expensive price, so am now the proud owner of !legitimate! copies of Dreamweaver, Flash, Illustrator, Photoshop, etcetera (the whole CS2 and S8 suites). Will pick up the textbook tonight from the World’s Biggest Bookstore on my way home, as I’m just too impatient to wait for to deliver it.

I also had to buy a new fridge for one of my rental units this weekend, which sucked about $1000 out of my pocket, so I’m feeling a little brokedy-assed at the moment.

Still, I worked hard on the garden this weekend and it’s shaping up nicely. Transplanted some peonies and “yellow pom-pom plant” (I have no clue what it’s actually called) into the front yard, put in some lily of the valley as shade groundcover, cleared space to plant chamomile and nasturtiums, and am about to do the heavy work of clearing a trench for asparagus. If anyone wants to get their hands dirty and poke about in Mother Earth a little, feel free to come by and grab a spade. I still have to till the soil and add composted sheep manure and bone meal to the tomato plant area before the sprouts go in, and all of my seedling pumpkins and zucchini and corn have to be transplanted into bigger pots to get ready for their trip into the ground early next month. Basically, there is a whole lot of growing going on, and I’m almost physically restraining myself from laying down another big chunk of change buying rare herbs and tender perennials such as camellia sinensis, our beloved tea plant, at Richter’s Fine Herbs.

So, yeah, if you’ve got the gardening bug, but don’t have a garden, give me a call and swing by Weston. We have so much yard we don’t know what to do with it. There could be a whole lot of cherry tomatoes in it for you three months from now. 🙂

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