13 thoughts on “The Witching Hour

  1. Yeah….the 4th one is awesome. Er….what are these for? They’re very cool 🙂

  2. I can see why trying to do *anything* with those nails would have been truly awkward!

  3. These were my sort of “joke” entries for the Knitty.com Calendar Contest. They allow you to send in three photos that contain a knitted item you made from one of their patterns. The pattern I made was the fingerless gloves called ‘Fetching’, and these were the sick ideas my mind came up with to showcase them.

    The reason the entry isn’t totally serious is because these photos are such a radical departure from the pics they chose last year, which were all brightly lit, mostly outdoors, sunny and cheerful. I’d describe mine more as “moody”, “evil”, “sick” and “eerie”. Not really what they’re looking for. Here’s what the rules stated:

    Knitted items can be modelled or not — it’s the quality and impression of the finished photograph we’re looking for, so be creative! The judges want to see photographs that are bright, well-lit, clearly focused and not grainy. Composition of the photograph is essential — boring “standing-against-a-tree-or-wall” shots are discouraged. Don’t drape your knitted thing over a tree or bush or just stick it on a hanger. Be creative, have a lot of fun with the process and think about what kind of image you’d like to see hanging on your wall for a whole month. Use fun props! Interesting locations! Hint: This contest is not about how clearly the knitted item is shown — it’s about how great the photograph is and how compelling it is to look at. We want 12 really engaging, gorgeous photographs. If it’s a modelled garment, wear complementary clothing and don’t forget to do the hair and makeup of the model[s], if appropriate. Don’t be smearing lipstick on doggies, though. That’s just mean.

  4. Ha ha…..I love it 🙂 I wish you could see their reactions when they see the pics. Though….it’s a really great shot, so you never know 🙂 It’s a bit modern Queen from Snow White…..meets knit wear!

  5. I seriously may never drink Gatorade again. You never appreciate how evil a liquid is until it’s glowing away radioactively in a chemical beaker.

  6. Have you sent it in yet? Amy usually shows up at the Wednesday night SnB that I frequent. I’ll ask her her opinion on moody/evil shots for her calendar.

  7. Wow – you are madly connected in the Toronto knitting community! I thought about going to last Friday’s Drunken Knitters Night at the Spotted Dick with the Nintendo intarsia scarf I’m knitting for Justin, but I was too shy. 🙁 I also thought about calling you about a million times to ask for advice with the picot bind-off and the finishing on these gloves, but again, reticent.

    Photo submission was very last minute – just sent in three photos last night right before midnight. I chose the two at the top (poison beakers and hand-in-jar) and the magic eight-ball one at the bottom right.

    Did you submit anything? You’re such an avid knitter and Joe has been on a photography binge lately, so I thought you’d be all over this.

    Also? I found you on YouTube! Did you know you are featured in the Lettuce Knit party video?

  8. Don’t hesitate to call! my family motto is ‘happy to help!’ Also, I usually go to Drunken Knitters (didn’t last week because of the wedding/camping thing this weekend), so next time, you would at least know me. (I do tend to arrive after 7pm though)

    Those are exactly the three shots that I thought you should submit!

    I didn’t submit anything. Even though I’m not best friends with Amy or anything, I would kinda feel weird.

    Ah, yes, the video of Jen pole dancing me. Joe was highly impressed. And to think neither of us were drunk!

  9. Girl, I am so happy you finally got your nails did. Looks great.

    Let’s go for some airbrushing next week!

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