Call for Help

Hello? Leo LaPorte? Amber MacArthur? Can you hear me?

I have become tech-obsolete. My tech savvy is waning. I need to LEARN HOW TO BIT TORRENT NOW OMG. Even my mother is mocking me for not knowing how to download anymore. This is crazy. I will not be swept away by the onrushing current of technology. There are six year olds who know how to bit torrent. Please, teach me people. I set up my wireless network on my own, now I need you to carry me the rest of the way.

My mother has no cable and some things just aren’t out on DVD yet, you know? You know.

Au secours, j’avoir besoin de votre aide mes amis.

5 thoughts on “Call for Help

  1. My client of preference is Bitlord, althoug the Azereus-ish one (cannot remember the name) was good too.

    MoFo, noce you’ve got a client installed, I’ll sent you an invite to my primary source of TV downloads…

    BTW, lemme know when you want to watch some Heroes – I can burn VCDs/DVDs now!

  2. An alternative to bit torrents is to join livejournal communities that share music and episodes. People just upload episodes or music files onto,,,, etc and then you can just download the link. Did I mention that fandom rocks?

    Alternative to joining thse communities is to go to (a search engine of all LJ communities and journals) and search other people’s journals for such files.

    Bit torrents are still the way to go, but having alternatives are a good thing too.

  3. amber and meeby got me on to vlc – it allows you to watch pretty much anything and not need codeceseses (I’m a funny pluralizer!)It makes things trés easy, I promise. Chrissy and I will jointly edumacate you tomorrey. *smooch*

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