Wow. I’m not really hungover per se, but I am definitely moving at half-speed today. Possibly less than half speed. It is noon and I’m still in my jammies, struggling with ‘s high-tech computer station to try and get photos on the web of last night’s birthday celebrations at Gypsy. And here they are!
Photos from My Birthday Party at Gypsy Co-Op !!!Achtung!!! Album contains lots of Banana-Guard action
So, I’ll try and do a shoddy job of thank-yous, although please excuse my lameness if I forget anything or anyone. Remember: noon, pyjamas, haven’t eaten yet.
First thanks to for the AMAZING gift certificate to Romni Wools. You rock, girlfriend! I will buy some sweet wool with that massive document (who makes their store gift certificate on an entire piece of 8.5×11″ paper?).
In a rough “order of appearance”, I’ll also thank my lovely cousin, for coming out with me, even though she was having a bit of a rough day and was basically hanging out with a bunch of complete strangers. I’ll be seeing more of her as Christmas gets closer, but she’s dealing with her own stuff for now, and that’s cool.
gets a huge shout-out for being the first to arrive – even before the birthday girl! – and then initiating the massive move to eat the appetizer that served as a meal for millions. She also wins multiple awards for her groovy cubicle-decorating book gift and for letting me stay AGAIN on her futon. Sorry you weren’t feeling well after the party!
The delightful Sara and the sparkling Alyssa were the next to show, and it began to look like an all-girl party for a while, with lots of boy talk and giggling. Lyssa’s velvety card and fabulous red cherry necklace gift are featured heavily in photos on my person for the rest of the evening.
came bearing hugs and the gift of Doctor Who, which was precisely what I was hoping for. There are many days and evenings to come, involving me staring longingly at David Tennant as he cavorts through space and time. Joe also helped bring about the waxtastrophe that was the Waxy Cod Ball incident, and I don’t really want to talk about it so look at the photos if you dare.
Alastair did a drive-by, casually tossing the unpinned grenade we know only as “the Banana-Guard” which features even more prominently than the birthday girl in the photo album, and which held a certificate for more indoor rock-climbing (yay!). He also made good on his promise to return later in the evening for furthery revelry and dancing, so an excellent performance all-around.
spiced up the party by teaching us new uses for the pointy party hats (see photos for details) and provided excellent company for Nona and Robin, with whom we all needed to catch up. Nona’s box of chocolates is eyeing me this morning with a plaintive “eat me?” look, but I will avoid its melty gaze until after my trainer session tonight (sorry, ! we will play video games tomorrow, I swear!!)
showed up with a card that played the theme from Shaft, and a copy of my very own “Moira’s Birthday” by Robert Munsch. She also hid in her sweater due to the trauma of the Banana-Guard, and you can see me giving her comforting hugs while telling her that I would never let the Banana-Guard hurt her.
and looked resplendent as always, and to accompany my Romni GC, gave me delicious milk and honey-smelling candles and the SnB Knitter’s Design Journal.
and arrived just as the first shift were leaving, fresh from work Christmas parties, and I got two beautiful cards and a shiny yoga bag which hopefully will act as an incentive for me to get my asana on. Christie wore a lot of leis, and Amy brought her a-game, despite having partied it up heavily herself on the weekend as she celebrated a landmark birthday of her own. Good job representing for a fellow Saggitarian, Amester!
traveled from the far mists in the north to catch the tail end of the gathering, but I think we packed a lot of punch into that last half-hour, dancing to the terrible live band, exchanging headgear, and taking a lot of dubious photos. I’m sorry I wasn’t more coherent at that point in the evening, because I would have said a much more effusive thank you to Matt for the excellent gift of a paid cab ride back to ‘s home.
And now, I really need some lunch. Juice for Life, anyone?
Soooo sorry I missed it last night, but I was in no shape to be around people that wanted to stay healthy!
Glad you had a great time, and I’ll catch the next toronto gig on the Moira birthday tour!
You were missed, for sure, but it was a pretty big crowd and I wasn’t able to talk to anyone as much as I wanted to, so no worries. I’ll be happier to see you in the New Year when you’re feeling better and when maybe there are less people so I’m not spreading myself so thin.
Get well soon!
I thought those lashes were FAB in person, but they look even better in photos!
Slow-Moving MoFo????
I’m almost POSITIVe you mean Slow-Mo MoFo.
Also? Looking back at those waxy cod balls, I’m no longer mystefied by my middle-of-the-night ailment. What truly astounds me is that I survived it vomit-free.