has the greenest thumb ever. She brought this orchid back to life, when only a few months ago it had shrunken, yellowing leaves and a dead stem. She’s like Nero Wolfe, only a lot thinner and less grumpy and she isn’t an agoraphobic, misogynist Montenegrin ex-spy living in a New York brownstone. Also, I am nothing like Archie Goodwin. Well, okay, I do like to narrate, have a prodigious memory, enjoy drinking milk and consider myself a hit with the ladies…
But I digress.
Work is about to get very, very busy. I am anticipating at least a solid month of working 8am-8pm and some weekends, so I regret to inform that it is time for me to relinquish my death grip on this crack pipe we call the Interweb. Sorry, but my wild and carefree posting days are at an end. I’m sure you’re all deeply saddened by this news. Counselling will be available through ‘s MoFo addictions group.
Thanks to for my Battlestar Galactica music fix this morning – it’s getting me through the day.
Pipes out.
I worked on Nero Wolfe (it was shot in TO). I didn’t think anyone really watched it! *haha*
Pretty orchids :))
Always happy to be of service.
Which BSG album is it that you are listening to? The miniseries, Season 1 or Season 2?
It’s a track from the season one soundtrack CD, from the penultimate scene with Baltar and Six in the Opera House.
yeah “Current music: Bear McCreary – The Shape of Things To Come” should have tipped me off I suppose. Didn’t read that first time through. Hard to say if TSOTTC or Passacaglia is the best track on that album.
Holy orchid, batman. Very impressive. Especially seeing as when I was there I could hardly tell the ailing stalk sticking out of some dirt was actually an orchid.
You worked on the A&E version? Neat. I’m actually more a fan of the books by Rex Stout, but I did catch one episode on the TV while my Mum was watching and it looked pretty good! Nice period costumes, and Maury Chaykin did a great job as the big, taciturn detective.
Just wondering, how did you find my blog? Were you scouting for Nero Wolfe references? We don’t seem to have anyone common on our f-lists.
I can’t remember how I found it! I often start perusing through LJ communities or friends lists and after clicking a million different things, I stumble upon different blogs I find interesting. 🙂