Ah, sweet sweaty Sunday. Ran 12km in 1hr25mins this morning. Averaging 7min09s per km, including walk breaks. Not bad. Beautiful sunny weather, with just a smidgeon of deadly ice.
*Edited: was told the sweaty post-run photo of me was icky and should be removed. So it was written, so shall it be done*
Now about to catch the train downtown to meet
I had the funniest conversation *ever* with Melly on the phone yesterday about this evening’s entertainment possibilities. Here is the conversation (as I heard it):
Melly: Ooh, ooh! And after the movie, we can go to J & S’s house, and you will be so excited… they have WEED!
Me: *confused silence* But, Melly, honey… I don’t smoke.
Melly: *confused silence* What?? WHAT?!? No, no, they have WEED. You LOVE weed!
Me: *getting worried about my reputation* Seriously, dude. I’m not into drugs. I mean, it’s cool if they want to get buzzed, but I’m really not into that shit myself.
Melly: *frustrated* Jesus, dumbass, I said they have weeeee. Double-U eye eye. As in, Nintendo, Super Mario Brothers, you remember, videogames? You love them? They bring you great joy? Hello?
Me: *chagrined* Ah. Yes. I see now. They have a Wii. Fuck. Why couldn’t they have just stuck with calling it the Revolution? Damn you, Nintendo. Let’s only refer to that other thing I was thinking of as marijuana from now on, so I never sound that clueless again.
Melly: Yes, dear.
So I’ve been sitting here for a good five minutes saying “Wii” outloud, and I cannot for the life of me get it to sound like “weed”. How the hell could it sound like there’s a “d” on the end?! Methinks you have some hearing issues…OR, you subconsciously *do* want there to be weed there…yeeaaah, that’s it…
Thank you.
I told her from now on, I was going to refer to the Wii as” WeeeEEEEEEEEEeeeeeEEEeeee!”, so she can tell the difference. *sigh*
Also, I never once called her a dumbass. She just inferred that from my tone of voice. 😉
No, the “dumbass” was purely inferred, but I surely deserved it, so I wrote it in because it needed to be said.
The Wii was totally awesome, by the way. I kicked ass at bowling – came second place in both games after an abysmal start, and scored a 171 in my final set of frames! Woot! Now I *really* want one. 🙂
Stop playing with your Wii and do your homework!
You kids better not be down there playing with your Wii!
Suzie! Put your brother’s Wii down this instant!
The possibilities are endless.
At least they didn’t go with their first choice, the Nintendo Schlong.
Well, if I ever break down and buy one, you’ll totally have visitation rights whenever you want. We can put it in my room. 😉