Bollocks. Alastair contacted me last night to inform me that our Friday shindig, the U of T Saints & Sinners Club 1940s-themed Comic Book Villains Ball, has been canceled due to lack of interest! Fucking tragic. As always, I have tried to find the silver lining in this situation: given the recent popularity of comic book films, I was beginning to doubt my authenticity as a self-perceived lover of “niche” culture. I guess this puts me firmly back in the land of obscure and unappreciated passions. At least I had not yet wasted money on renting a costume at Malabar, so I can channel those funds into acquiring totally frivolous gaming systems. Or, I guess, pay off my credit card.
In other news, I’ve succumbed to the evil influence of
Next up on the block is Michael Chabon with ‘The Final Solution’, which
I ran like a demon last night. I actually thought I was going to sprout horns and a tail, I was going that fast: achieved peak speed of 7.5 (translates to about 4.5min/km) on the treadmill for 4 minutes, did 5km total.
Alternate Life, Part 2: What I would be wearing
I hate office gear. I hate slacks. I dislike button-down shirts. I’m not into blazers. My dream outfit? Comfortable, flared-bottom jeans, thigh-high striped socks, a pair of red pumas, a simple wrought-iron vintage necklace and an embroidered graphic t-shirt, all topped off with a sexy little apron.
I own The Polysyllabic Spree but had trouble finding the second one, I think I’ll have to look again.
those are aprons? hott! yes, hot with 2 t’s
Damn, those are hot.
I’ve been thinking I need an apron because all my cooking is leaving my t-shirts oil ‘n spice spattered… but those aprons are so much nicer than most of my clothes, I fear if I owned one I’d be trying to put it on UNDER my t-shirt to protect the APRON from spatter.
Oh, god. Must I again state the total Anthropologie LOCKDOWN that I require of all my acquaintances? Because if people mention Anthropologie I start desperately wanting clothes that I can’t afford. Gah! Cute little halter dresses! Kill me now!
Speaking of killing me, I think I’m missing some steps in the logic that leads you icon all the way to eating goat dick.
I hadn’t even heard of those two Nick Hornby novellas! I’ve got to track them down now!
Yeah, don’t go clicking on the necklace link either. It will only hurt you.
I thoughtfully avoided linking to the site where I found my dream stripey thigh-high socks because it is a terrible wonderland of marvels, just waiting to suck the unsuspecting web-surfer into a world of penury and insurmountable debt.
The Wordsworth icon is from back in my Master’s days, when I was struggling with reading ‘The Prelude’ for class. I couldn’t possibly recapture the state of mind that lead me to that three-part animation, except it reminds me a little of a haiku.
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don’t make sense
I think that haiku was probably the result of a psychic link through me back to sarcasmom who is cleaning out & filling up her FOURTH new refrigerator in as many months (they keep arriving and then breaking instantly). The word “refrigerator” is probably the most loaded word in our family right now.
Wow. I want to have sex with that book cover.
That said, I’m VERY curious to see what ends being the final draft — the thumbnail is VERY different from the larger version you get when you click on it.
go into science. We can wear whatever we want.