
The 21-day rainy streak in British Columbia has ended at last, and spring has arrived. There are daffodils along the roadside, magnolia blooms scenting the air and cherry blossoms covering car hoods everywhere. Today I returned from visiting Caius and Cait, Steve and Mike and Jill in Victoria, and on the drive home from Tsawwassen, Keira and I reveled in the views of snowy mountain peaks and sunshine on the ocean. It’s lovely.

Yesterday’s Sunday morning run was 16km – I avoided the Vancouver route I had previously planned (which passed over Serial Killer Bay and the Lagoon of Lost Souls or whatever), and opted to run on the island instead. We went on an avian-themed run, along the Galloping Goose Trail to Swan Lake. The Victoria running room people accepted me as a sister in sweaty exertion and ragged me good-naturedly for a solid hour about being a Leafs fan.

These BC kids run fast! My time for 16km was 1hr50mins, at a pace of 6:52 per km.
It’s a strange transition, going from running on frigid, empty streets with people bundled up in fleece gloves and hats, yelling “Watch out! ICE!”, to running with folks in shorts and tank tops on crowded trails, yelling “Look out! BIKE!”. I got a sunburn on my face from running next to the water, and came home to my darling cousin frying up sausages and scrambled eggs (bless him!), then passed out for an hour-long nap.

The afternoon was entertaining. I did another of my rash impulse-purchasing things and bought a 3lb ultra-portable laptop that Caius found for me. It’s incredibly wee – the size of a hardcover book. What’s that? Yes, I do already own a laptop. But it weighs 7lbs and has a small overheating problem, such that I need to sit it on a frozen pizza box and place two bags of frozen peas on either side of the touchpad: it’s basically a doorstop. A new machine was in order, and since I’m traveling for 6 months this year, portability was key.

Anyhoo, Keira and I are doing laundry, packing, etc to prepare for our 3am flight to HK.
I think we’re going to have a sleeping contest on the plane, to see who can remain unconscious the longest. Whoever makes it to Lantau Island remembering the least about the flight, without suffering from deep-vein thrombosis, wins!

Recommendations for other forms of entertainment (aside from my Nintendo DS, Michael Chabon book and slapping one another) during our 13 hours inside a flying tin can joyfully accepted.

3 thoughts on “Springy!

  1. I like puzzles on flights — either those books of multiple kinds, in case you aren’t sure what you’ll like best, or a book of crosswords or sudokus or something if you already have an obsession. Puzzles while away the hours and let you tune out your surroundings, but don’t require quite the same level of consistent concentration that a good book deserves. Plus their batteries don’t die and if you get food/drink on them they don’t break. And if you want to be companionable you can do them together!

  2. Decided against the pre-purchase research phase, eh? Or did Caius do that part for you?

    Anyway, so long as it doesn’t overheat/crash under the incredible strain of basic use (which so many laptops seem to do), I imagine you’ll be very happy with it.

    BTW, I hope you took my drunken phonecall seriously the other night, because I’m really keen on that idea (or a variation thereon).

  3. depending on what airline you’re on, trans-pacific flights aren’t actually all that bad. they have a crapload of movies that you can watch on your own personal screen and sometimes you can play video games (Cathay’s like that and United too, on occasion). if you get *really* bored you can just watch the in-flight map to see where you are and what the head wind is.

    i think i’ve been living under a rock, btw. i had no recollection about this whole going to HK thing and had to check back on various entries before i had any clue as to why you were going there.

    visit victoria peak and the night market! and go visit the giant buddha! i love hong kong, i hope you have a great time.

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