Hong Kong Rugby Sevens: Day Two Aftermath

Ouch. My head hurts. My everything hurts. Why did I have so much beer in Wan Chai last night?

Rugby finals were good. Russia spanked France 21-7 for the Bowl. Wales beat Argentina 26-19 for the Plate. And Samoa beat Fiji in a thrilling 27-22 victory for the Cup.

I wanted Fiji to win so badly, especially since I was sitting next to a player from the 2004 HK Sevens who was very friendly and taught me how to say “we’re bringing the Cup home” in Fijian. Fiji played beautifully all weekend but they let Samoa score too many goals too quickly in the first half, and despite their best efforts couldn’t rally in the second. They kept missing conversions and lost by a margin of just five points – three successful kicks through the posts and they’d have won. Alas.

and I hit the town after the game, sweaty and unshowered, and sampled the post-game party atmosphere of Wan Chai. I was in kilt heaven. So many men in sporrans and knee socks, so little time. Seriously good fun was had by all and I think Keira and I now have an open invitation to visit New Zealand, Australia and Wales to party with the rugby tens players we drank with at the Devil’s Advocate.

I acquired a fetching new pink cowgirl hat, stolen off a Londoner named Joe (see below – he’s wearing my blue wig), and made it back to our hotel for 6:30am covered in kisses from an adorable Kiwi rugby player named “Dodgey” (see below – he’s standing with Keira). Now I am paying the price for my shenanigans with a hangover so fierce it feels like I had my head beaten with a wooden bat.

One more day in Hong Kong – leaving tomorrow at 3pm to fly back to Vancouver, then back in Toronto by the end of the week. It’s raining very heavily here at the moment, thus the pause to blog about yesterday’s events.

6 thoughts on “Hong Kong Rugby Sevens: Day Two Aftermath

  1. I was in kilt heaven. So many men in sporrans and knee socks, so little time.

    …. annnd suddenly the mystery of why you guys suddenly up and went around the globe to watch sporting events becomes CRYSTAL clear.

  2. i love that you guys were drinking san miguel…the choice of champions, straight from the philippines. no wonder you had a hangover!

  3. “Ouch. My head hurts. My everything hurts. Why did I have so much beer in Wan Chai last night?”

    Promise me that you will someday begin a novel with this line.

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