This Is Where The Evening Goes Downhill

It was just too damn cold to go browse at the convention tonight, so I opted instead to stay inside with Wesley and Ed and watch a DVD.

It seemed like a great idea at the time.

Ever seen “The Lady and the Highwayman” starring Hugh Grant? Hugh is maybe eighteen, sporting a wicked mullet and a nice teen ‘stash. The movie is based on a Barbara Cartland novel. Easily the worst thing I’ve seen all year. Hilarious. But also very romantic. Sadly, I missed a lot of dialogue, due to Ed alternately crying and hitting me in the leg with a wooden stick. He’s promised to retaliate with “The Core”. Now there’s an evening where a lot of alcohol will be paying a visit to the scenic locale known as my liver.

Very excited about my inking master class on Sunday. Slightly apprehensive about the howls of derisive laughter sure to ensue as soon as I set ink to paper, but what the hell. Those same fears didn’t stop me from getting nekkid at 3am on a hot August night and jumping in the fetid Parisienne Seine, screaming “Bain oui! C’est comme plonger dans une toilette! Je suis le plus chouette morceau de trash!”, did they? Then again, maybe they should have…

Never mind. Off to Olivia’s house to see her new digs and make sure she still looks like I remember.

8 thoughts on “This Is Where The Evening Goes Downhill

  1. PS – How do you get your links to look like that? I am impressed by your tech savoir faire!

  2. The Parisienne Seine, screaming “Bath yes! It is like plunging in a toilet! I am more owl piece of trash”

    I think BabelFish is possibly mis-tranlating your French… or you are “more owl trash” than any of us ever suspected… whatever the hell that means. 🙂


  3. Well, truly, I believe myself to be **the most** (le meilleur) owlish piece of trash that I’ve ever laid eyes on, given my intense myopia, subtle plumage, and late-night hunting habits. But that’s a purely subjective opinion from a woman who is 1) currently drunk and rather sleepy, not to mention 2) obviously very self-reflective, given her plethora of online journals.

    BabelFish was likely experiencing difficulty translating because of my use of Canadienne Quebecois French. “Bain oui” is a Francophone expression used colloquially in a sort of “but of course!” sense. And chouette was supposed to be “cute”, as in “I am the cutest piece of trash!” but it’s been a long time since grade 13 and I may have misspelled the word. There is simply no excuse, however, for its mistranslation of plonger as “plunging” instead of “diving”, except for the obvious contextual association with toilets.

    For the disbelievers out there, this devious dip into dubious depths did in fact occur in the summer of 2001, much to my chagrin. I have two witnesses and co-participants in the event to back me up: one Rene Thaddeus Low of Calgary, Alberta, and a Kimberly Cousins formerly of Paris, recently of Thailand, current whereabouts unknown.

    Sometimes I miss Paris. Not the smelly, corpse-laden, auto-sunken, urine-filled river, no no no. I miss the debauchery and the lights on the Eiffel tower, fireworks on Bastille Day, the left bank with all its stray cats, and Shakespeare and Co. That was one hell of a bookstore. And George Whitman, one hell of a curmudgeonly old bookstore owner. I miss sleeping in Michael Palin’s bed, although I do not miss the hungry fleas that took up residence there once he’d vacated it. I miss a lot of things, but I’m happy here in my home and native land.

    I stand on guard for thee, the true north strong and free.

  4. Thanks for the warm welcome. I feel right at home. 🙂

    RE: your question about the links. Check out any basic HTML primer. The trick is to use open and close v-brackets like < and > to tell your computer what to do. For example, linking websites, you should write (open v-bracket)A HREF=””(close v-bracket)INSERT THE NAME OF WHAT YOU WANT TO LINK HERE(open v-bracket)/A(close v-bracket)

    If that seems puzzling, type in basic HTML in google and you can see a clearer explanation there. Or, click on “View” in your browser menu bar, then click on “Source”, and you can see the HTML coding behind everything occurring on the page you are looking at. For linking images, do the same thing as above, except type IMG SRC in place of A HTML.

    Hope this is helpful!

  5. you forgot to mention the part about the movie being based on a Barbara Cartland novel…now i’m not at all surprised that it was bad. but was it worse than little nicky?

    by the way, i concur with ed. “the core” is a terrible, terrible film.

  6. or look at the FAQ of LJ, they have instructions on how to put in links, make lj-cuts, put in pictures, etc.

  7. I have to say that I enjoyed `The Core’ – I’m not saying it’s good, mind you – but it certainly did have a certain, as Babelfish would say, “I’m not sure which” – probably the same something that guides me to enjoy such terrible films as `Mystery Men’ and `Dante’s Peak’. David and I mocked the pseuco-science all the way through – it was all good.


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