Double Booking

So I have this problem, see? I’m a chronic double-booker. I double-, and sometimes triple-book myself *all the time*.

Tonight, for example. For weeks I have known that today is Sarrah’s birthday. I agreed enthusiastically to party with her tonight. I bought her a gift. Yet my strangely compartmentalized brain decided it would be funny to cloak all this info in a thick blanket of amnesia when Livy asked me on Monday if we could hang out ‘this Thursday’ (thus avoiding ringing the alarm bells triggered by the date Dec. 11). And also, I apparently said that today was a fantastic day for Marc and I to grab a pint and catch up before he leaves for Winnipeg.

Stupid brain. Stupid lack of free time.

Also, the cold, she cometh. *achoo* *sniff*

3 thoughts on “Double Booking

  1. I’m going to assume that was a correction of my lyric quotation from “Low”, which should have read ‘only when your eyes are closed’?

    Sorry about screwing that up. It’s *such* a beautiful song. Anyhow work is crazy which is why I haven’t written you back properly yet, but I will try harder this afternoon.


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