It’s Official!

In boycotting the cold weather, I have been wearing my snuggly teddybear slippers under my desk at work ALL DAY.

For those of you who have not been blessed enough to see the wonderland of weirdness that is my apartment, I have a mammoth collection of fuzzy animal slippers (also part of my ‘Real Genius’ fandom, following the footwear guidance of Chris Knight). I have sheep, otters, bears, penguins, bumblebees, walruses, squirrels – you name it. But my teddybears stay at work, for snowy days such as these.

Also, to put the nail in the coffin of my geekery, may I introduce a new member to our LJ community. Meet .

Office job done. Off to work at my lovely comic store…

2 thoughts on “It’s Official!

  1. And that ain’t all.
    I didn’t even discuss the mallards.

    *tends to take things to extremes*

    Niiiiiice sorkin icon. Josh – so cute. Rob Lowe – impeccable jaw.

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