Did I just spend as much time as I think I did, hunting down screen shots of Seth’s gift-giving scenes with Anna and Summer on the O.C. to construct a birthday card out of?
Yes. Yes, I did.
Next goal: photos of all the women from “Twin Peaks”, the TV show.
This is going to be the most messed-up pseudo-comic-book birthday card EVER.
ps – For any guys reading this: if you were a 21-year-old comic geek/video game addict, what would YOU want for your birthday? (Context: from a 26-year-old comic geek girl / employee)
Dude. You should have come to me. I have a link to the BEST screencap shot on the ‘net for the O.C., and dude, they’re big and high res(ish. for screencaps) too!
I’ll be your 21-year old surrogate.
I’m sure you can speak better to the comic geek side of things, but I can speak to the video game geek. Depending on which system he has, these are great titles, and good deals:
Prince of Persia/Splinter Cell Double Pack (XB,PS2,GC,PC)
Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City (Double Pack for XB,PS2, single for PC)
Knights of the Old Republic (XB,PC)
Soul Caliber II (XB,GC,PS2)
Mario Kart: Double Dash (GC)
For additional help, try here: http://www.metacritic.com/games/
ummm… the 26 year old girl.
Excellent answer, Shehawken!
You win the toaster. 😉
Laura Palmer, live, still pretty
More pending, but my brain is starting to cough and sputter. I decided on a whim to drive to Albuquerque, NM, and back in one days = 16 hours of driving, more or less back to back, on three hours sleep and lots of bad coffee. There are pictures of ludicrous behaviour, a petroglyph carved by a primitive man with a baby carrot complex, and lots of spirals. Also, postcards will be sent.
You drove to New Mexico?
Hey, wait a minute, isn’t that (according to *your* geography, which appears to be about as good as *my* biology) right next to the Bahamas… maybe you should go visit my Aunt and Uncle. They’d welcome the company.
What possessed you to go on this wacky adventure? How would a primitive man know whether or not he had a baby carrot complex? Are you *in* Alberquerque even as you write this, or back in Denver? And how could you send a postcard if you don’t even have my street address?
So many questions. So much driving. So little sleep.
you know, in some of the circles I’ve coasted through, toasters have a whole ‘nother connotation… pretty much beyond my reach in terms of preferences, though. The perils when inside jokes collide with outside casual comments.
Best Answer EVER.
Video Game- Buffy:chaos bleeds [PS2 and Xbox]