Bowing to peer pressure (and succumbing to the indefinable allure of Adam Brody), I began my catch-up marathon viewing of ‘The O.C.’ last night, starting with episodes 1 & 2.
I take it as an excellent sign that my only real complaint so far is that in episode one, when Marissa passes out drunk, both Summer and Ryan leave her lying on her back, in prime position to choke to death on her own vomit a la Jimi Hendrix, rather than performing the Bacchus Manoeuver.
Then again, they also showed these teens smoking up a storm, snorting cocaine and driving SUVs, so I guess educating the audience on safe behaviour isn’t exactly a priority for the show.
Did anyone else notice that Ryan’s last name is Atwood, and at the party someone says “I hear you’re from Canada?” I just thought that was amusing.
Favorite line so far: “Oh wow, I should really learn how to knock. Just in case there’s a threesome going on. In the bathroom.”
Dude. The night that aired I wrote an LJ entry along the lines of “Recovery position! Put her in the freaking RECOVERY POSITION!”
It scares me how clearly I remembered that entry.
In other news, yay you! You have succumbed! It’s only a short fall from here.
Let me know when you’re caught up, and we’ll start on Joan 😉
That you promised to let me in on O.C. action if possible. Curse the blasted moving to Montreal with no TV! Curse the endless tour which meant I was often performing on O.C. nights! Curse the fact that I had to actually do *research* to find out what “O.C.” stood for.
Yes, get her watching Joan. JOAN!
Oh, Adam Brody. I love him in quite a ridiculous way. I revert to a squealing, swooning teenager whenever the freaking show comes on. I want to marry him. No, really. He is fast moving up the roster of Secret Pretend Boyfriends. *Sigh*. And I know the actor is actually in his twenties, but I get a kind of icky feeling when I catch myself thinking dirty, dirty things about Seth Cohen (and Dave Rygalski on Gilmore Girls), who are supposed to be like, 17.
But I still want to marry him.
don’t know you at all (am friend of moira’s) and am sadly deprived of watching the O.C., which i have heard way too many things about from other people back in Canada.
except, i just wanted to say that i love your icon.
mm…christian bale…
Newies! Love that movie… it’s one of my not so guilty pleasures! Cute boys sing!