Like I Need a Hole in My… Memory?

This post is way past it’s due date, but what the heck…

Thursday night was the much-anticipated “date with “, old school dinner and a movie-styles. Before obscene speculation begins, neither of us ‘put out’, although the little plastic animals on our bellinis got pretty hot and heavy before the night was through (see: this entry’s icon). What? You think that cross-species encounters between monkeys and donkeys is wrong? That a giraffe and a mermaid should never be together? Don’t be so closed-minded. Those creatures were in *love*. LOVE, I say!

Ahem. Getting back to the movie. So, it was ‘The Butterfly Effect’, starring Ashton Kutcher. Going in, my expectations were rather low. Kelso in a serious dramatic role? Dude, I don’t think so. But I was pleasantly surprised. Started to type about it here, but have since decided that Diaryland is a better place for that sort of extended rambling, so I will post my review there later.

We met up with a few of my fellow Snailers at the theatre, including and his lady Joycelyn, who sat next to us and agreed to come out for drinks after. We were shunned by my manager Justin, who appeared to be there with a ladyfriend of his own. Ahem. After the movie, Chrissy and I decided the imbibing of alcohol was a moral imperative.

Off to Milestones we four trudged, through the blustery blowing snow, for what might have been as long as 83 seconds. The coldest 83 seconds of our lives. Obviously, what we needed was frozen slushy drinks, STAT. Happily, we found some.

I only posted these pics because I didn’t get Joyce’s blessing to put her face on the ‘net, and the pics of me with little plastic animals hanging off of my glasses are sadly overexposed andalsomakemelookpsychotic.

5 thoughts on “Like I Need a Hole in My… Memory?

  1. Damn. I look crazy! Like, quiet, brooding, ANGRY crazy.

    Cool 🙂

    I like your plastic animal sex icon. It makes me giggle.

  2. I don’t want to lead you astray.

    I personally have a deep and abiding hatred of Nicole Kidman, but I overcame it to watch ‘The Others’ on the basis of a strong recommendation. I’m glad I did, as the movie was unquestionably spooky and atmospheric, with a good story idea. I would have been loathe to miss out on it just because I wasn’t sure I could handle another ‘To Die For’ without ingesting opiates first.

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I think ‘The Butterfly Effect’ is compelling enough to propel you along on the strength of intriguing story idea, some startlingly spooky and funny high points, and a strong supporting cast (especially the child actors!), such that your desire to chase the white dragon at the first sighting of Mr. K will dissipate after the first few minutes. I hope.

    I’ll be posting my review sometime tomorrow, but in the interim, check out this slightly less glowing one from the wise, wise folks at the Village Voice.

  3. The only thing worse than being an overly-amourous plastic monkey is being upstaged by one.

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