Geek Boys Ungood, Geek Girls Unite

Saturday afternoon at work…

Joe’s all broked and such

I showed up at the Snail really early, only to find that was WAY off his game. My attempt to cheer him up by sharing my cell phone full of cheerful was unsuccessful in improving his mood, but very successfully confirmed that it was time for Joe to take his ball and go home.

I am soooo popular!

It was a sketchy start to the day, but things went uphill from there, with brief but pleasant visits. First, Olivia came by with her fiancé Jeff’s “Best Man”, Amy, in tow.

Zeena *will* join my geek girl strike force… or (her sea monkeys will) DIE!

My friend Zeena came by an hour later, craving more Batgirl, but alas we were sold out, so I had to send her home with Kabuki instead. I’m glad Z. and I have sort of hooked up again; we used to live in residence together and bonded through our mutual love of computers, drawing, sea monkeys, and engineers (those last two problems I’m happy to report I’ve left far behind, although I can’t speak for Z. on either front). Oddly enough, we both started working for the provincial government and reading comics at the same time, about two years ago, completely independent of one another.

Point being, Zeena’s awesome, and I’m plotting to introduce her to Chrissy so that we geek girls can grow strong and become legion! Then, it’s on to world domination! Or something.

So, yeah, I’ll finish Saturday and take a chunk out of Sunday after I get off work in five hours… patience is a virtue, yo.

10 thoughts on “Geek Boys Ungood, Geek Girls Unite

  1. Damn! I was almost certain she’d have told anyone who would read my Live Journal by now, so I wouldn’t be spoiling the surprise. Argh.

    Yes, they are going to the chapel and they’re gonna get married. Both are deleriously happy about it, too. Drop her an email or give her a call and tell her I’m a big blabbermouth.

    Maybe I’ll lock this entry…

  2. Good that you got rid of the engineer problem, but sad that you have left your Sea Monkey Phase behind. Sea Monkeys are just good clean fun.


  3. My attempt to cheer him up by sharing my cell phone full of cheerful themusesbitch was unsuccessful in improving his mood, but very successfully confirmed that it was time for Joe to take his ball and go home.

    You know, I very much felt like a failure. For I am Chrissy! The all-cheering!

    Or something. 😉

  4. I didn’t even know there was a game that day. The perils of being a moody bastard. Feeling much better now, thanks, due in no small part to your efforts, and yes, Chrissy’s as well.

  5. Rest assured that, despite my mood at the time, your efforts were greatly appreciated. Take comfort in knowing that I am once again the all-singing all-dancing Imp of Delight.

  6. i’m actually not all that surprised…when’s the big day? i’d send my congratulations but alas, i have no email address to speak of.

    by the way – hey, there’s nothing wrong with engineers! they are the ultimate in geeky…mm….i love my engineer.

  7. Huzzah!

    I am once again the all-singing all-dancing Imp of Delight.

    That is EXACTLY how I would describe you. *nods*

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