Tuesday March 30th at 11:30am
Wisdom teeth consultation and extraction.
Dr. Cameron Clokie, 416-924-2424
66 Avenue Road, Suite #3 (just North of Bloor)
General anaesthetic will be $280 over and above the cost, which will be around $1200 for all 4 teeth. Bring Visa.
**No eating or drinking for 6 hours prior
**Remember to bring your X-ray
**Buy Fudgesicles, creamsicles, and ice packs
**Get painkiller and antibiotic prescriptions
**Ask Justin to call Mom at work after it’s over
Don’t forget canned soup!! You’ll need to eat something for the next couple of days!
I have packets of instant oatmeal and Lipton’s chicken noodle soup coming out the wazoo thanks to JVL and his love of bulk food purchases.
Also strawberry, chocolate AND vanilla Boost beverages. Bottled water. And now, popsicles!
It’s all a girl with open mouth wounds needs. 😉
Excellent – when you’re all healed up, you can join me in my post-op lifetime hatred of the very word “boost.” 🙂
hey! I thought you were veggamagarion? What is this chicken noodle soup solipsy?
My general rule for eating animals is: if I could conceivably kill it and prepare it, I can eat it. I can’t stomach the idea of how beef and pork are farmed and processed, and I know I couldn’t slaughter a cow or pig myself.
I saw a documentary on egg farming plants that was enough to make me go full-fledged veggie for all of 2001 until the summer of 2003, but I caved middle of last year when I went into training and needed a source of non-soy protein. I’m confident I could kill fish or poultry on my own, so they’re back on the eatables list.
Red meat has been off the menu permanently since about 1988/89, much to the chagrin of my poor Mother and Father, who were convinced I was going to die of malnutrition for the first decade or so after I first said “no, thank you” to Mum’s shepherd pie, sausage rolls, pig-in-the-hole, pork chops and ham sammiches. I did make an exception when visiting friends in Norway, though, as they actually slaughtered a whole pig themselves in honour of my visit, and roasted it on the beach, luau style. To refuse a piece would have been plain rude.
Oooooh! I forgot to get pudding cups and jello!
Paying for pain, discomfort and misery just seems wrong.
Also hugs.
That is all.
Makes sense. I’ve almost entirely removed red meat from my diet for mad cow-related and other health reasons, and stick mainly with chicken…. but I cannot give up bacon…hhmmm…. bacon… drool…..wha?! … had a bit of luau pig at a friends… it didn;t work out so well….
What did you think of the good doctor? And how did you fare after the surgery?
Overall, though, he and his staff were excellent.