A more practical post

Backtracking a little, this weekend was very productive and fulfilling. I felt as though I squeezed it for all it was worth.

Friday night

Friday I went to ‘Taste of the Danforth’ with some of my peeps and my new friend Yanick from work for some souvlaki and spanakopita – it was deeeelicious! Enjoyed the company very much. My poor cell phone had an unfortunate run-in with some spilled alcoholic beverage, and is now non-functional. Hope to get that fixed soon.

Saturday morning

Saturday I woke up at Casa del Fab, was picked up by Mum at 9am, went to get house keys and van at the Snail at 9:30am, then began the trek up and down the many, many stairs at my apartment at 10am. Glenda, Onnie, Amy and Christie were incredibly helpful, lifting, carrying and packing the van almost entirely without complaint. Rob showed up fashionably late, but made up for it with enthusiasm and mad sales skillz, teaming up with Amy to get a whopping $15 for my tiny TV and end-table. Dan and Greg came just in time to pat us on the back, but they were heroes once we got to Weston, unloading and hefting with the best of them. My Mum disappeared for about an hour, making me wonder what the most flattering picture I had of her was in preparation for contacting the lost Mum milk box people. Eventually she surfaced, bearing four large pizzas and twelve Rickards Red in tow. Huzzah!

Saturday afternoon

Then there was much gluttony, and in preparation for next weekend’s party, we tried out some old school classic Namco Pac-Man video games, some not-so-classic X-Box action, and some extremely classic sitting on our asses, watching old Wonder Woman episodes on DVD.

As Lynda Carter dashed around Paradise Island in a tiny peekaboo chemise, looking like the softer, gentler version of Baywatch, we finished off the remains of the beer. Don’t look at me that way – it was for survival! We needed something to dull the pain of those dreadful, dreadful fake German accents that the Nazi bad guys and gals were talking in. Not to mention the invisible plane and the cat-fighting.


Not a lot happened on Sunday. Sleeping in. Breakfast. Dan and Glenda dropped by. I unpacked my toiletries. Dan and Glenda left. I unpacked some books. Dan came back. I finished watching season one of Smallville and yelled at Dan for not bringing season two over. We ate fish and chips, then watched CSI and Futurama. Dan left. We all went to bed.

The weekend update ends here.

2 thoughts on “A more practical post

  1. I seem to be somehow substituting “Mr. Cellophane” with k.d. lang’s “Miss Chatelaine” in my head. Weird.

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