Ignoring Popular Opinion

Although my readership has made it clear to me by their pointed lack of commentary on my crabby post, I choose to revisit the subject, because it’s got its pincers into me.

According to , apparently there are crabs, crabs everywhere in South Florida! I thought I might just be mentally in tune with mating season at sea, perhaps channeling Darryl Hannah in ‘Splash’ due to my recently platinum-blonde hair (causing me to change it last night to a nearly natural looking ginger-red). But the dream-vision pregnant belly crab looked different than these little dudes.

It looked more like Ovalipes australiensis, a sand crab, or maybe Cyclograpsus granulosus, a rough shore crab. I am really disturbed to have discovered in my research of this subject that, much as lobsters are the aquatic descendents of cockroaches, crabs are the watery cousins of spiders. Gross. Totally gross.

In other news: I found my penguin house-keys! And my nearly-lost but actually just resting at Spadina orange plastic wallet! I am whole again!!!

And before I forget, thanks to for keeping her kitty safely out of the way during my move-out this weekend.

5 thoughts on “Ignoring Popular Opinion

  1. ….though there are times I’d like you to pack her up and take her with you 🙂 Now is not one of them, as she is being a good kitty and sitting here purring on my lap.

  2. I have a MPG clip of what happens when a deep sea crab investigates a fissure in a high pressure/high flow pipe.


    Any pictures of the Barbie You?

  3. I know, I know, my icons are getting stale. I will try my best to work on some new ones tonight, but photoshop died with my laptop, so I’ll need to hunt down some new GIF-making software before you get new pics.

    I did take some shots of myself wearing my sadly broken glasses, so there are a few photos of me with the blonde. It was a really bad blonde, though – super platinum, totally unsuited to my face and skin tone. You’ll see. I may post one tonight for your amusement.

    Email me the MPG if you still have my address. I think your email may have died with my laptop as well, but I’ll check tonight when I get home.

  4. I suspect that it might have been as bad as you right now.

    Yay! Crabs!

    Also, I think I forgot to call you back after I went to the bathroom. Got busy, still is. I apologizeth.

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