I think it’s reading the last few books of Jeff Smith’s ‘Bone’ series that’s making me dream more often, and more vividly. Last night was bizarre. Two stories being told, similar plots, the latter one in first person.
Dream sequence one
Dream one ran like a silent movie, showing me a young thief and hooker who was running a string of burglaries and getting less lucky every time, until she ran out of luck completely and got arrested.
Dream sequence two
Dream two had me, myself, cast as a young punk thief, breaking into a school and wreaking havoc. I had sinister pseudo-superpowers, a vague combination of Nightcrawler from the X-Men and Catwoman from Batman, but more ordinary looking and vulnerable. I got put on a job to snatch something from a high school, and ended up running through classrooms, pursued by endless cops with out-of-holster guns. I kept evading them cleverly by hiding in closets and distracting them, but the margin of safety was narrowing. The school looked a lot like my old junior high, New Central. I busted out of what would have been the old music room windows facing the lakeshore, then hoisted myself up onto the roof and lay flat until the police dispersed around the grounds. Then I jacked a car, took it for a joyride, and searched out my shady friend who told me to lay low. He showed me the body of the other girl thief, crumpled up in a broken shopping cart at the back of an alley with pitted asphalt. I shuddered, then red lights flashed around us, so we ducked into a closet together and began switching clothing. The dream was cut short by my alarm.
In totally unrelated news: I’m choosing my new toilet! Whee! Kohler and Toto and Caroma, oh my! Did you know that the City of Toronto will pay you $60-75 if you buy a new, water efficient toilet and submit the receipt to them for a rebate? Money for toilets is an awesome idea.
Also remembered to call my landlord today. He seemed oddly jovial, given that I’ve been his only steady tenant for the past six years. Maybe he’s happy to be rid of me? I’m certainly happy to be rid of him. I like my new landlord much better…
….I think I’m a banana treeeeee
Hee…I was listening to that song today too….one of my new favourites. Why can’t I get enough Queen? I am determined to mix Queen with opera one day….it will be done!