At least my weekend was really good. I saw for a cheerful and companionable drink after work Friday, then went to ‘s birthday party at ‘The Sultan’s Tent’ and got a belly dancing certificate after a dubious “training” session.
Saturday spent the day with Mum, sorting clothes and preparing for a humongous garage sale/Goodwill donation, then chilled out with when he got home from work.
Sunday woke up late, remembered ‘s wedding shower in a panic, realized there was no way I could get myself to Newmarket, couldn’t find the invitation, only had her work number on my (defunct) cell phone, and just sort of threw my hands up in the air. Which was a mistake, and boy oh boy am I feeling badly about it now. Must take her out for a grovelling apology lunch at some point this week – maybe tomorrow. Called to make amends, but she is (rightfully) smokin’ mad. Did manage to make it to book club on Sunday night though, and discussed “The Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency” in some depth while eating my weight in couscous and lentils. Went home and crashed out with JVL on the bean bag chair, watched four episodes of “The Chappelle Show”.
Today has not been going well at work. I neglected something kind of super important and financial, causing havoc with my boss’s corporate card. Argh. I wrote him an apology letter, with cash reimbursement for the delinquency charge included, and he told me not to lose sleep over it, but still. I feel horrible. It was an innocent mistake, but I should have been paying closer attention.
In home life news, has not yet called me back with any information about transferring the lease for my old apartment from my name into his, and I am getting very stressed about it. There’s only a week left in August, and I need this DONE before September. Too many loose ends… bathroom not finished… next work assignment not decided… return to school on hold…
WEIRDNESS! Steve Lim works in my building!!! He’s working for the Ontario Realty Corporation; I bumped into him crossing Bay Street on my lunchhour. He was in a suit and tie. Last time I saw him he was wearing a leather jacket and DJing at a club in Markham.
No sweat. Actually, I feel kind of shitty for posting about it in here, but I think that I’ll wait to delete the entry until I see you and IN THE CHURCH ON THE DAY.
Then I will delete. Ta da!!
That doesn’t sound like fun – I hear what you’re saying re: the badness with the boss & the guilt etc…the best I can come up with is that none of these things last forever – but I know that’s just a platitude.
It’s all about the weekend, baby… 🙂
Weekend, weekend… not ringing any bells for me.
Perhaps you are referring to Friday, Saturday and Sunday, part of my working weekcontinuance? I sound more bitter than I am about that: three days of straight-up retail at the Snail will probably feel pretty good after a week of in-depth office paperwork and politics garbage.
Also, hello? My first ever (non-Amish) batchelorette party! Finally I will be able to exfoliate the memory of Joy’s “Strip Club turned Dairy Queen” failure from the surface of my brain with the scrubbing power of partying with my sinful sistahs!
Indeed – I’m looking very much forward to that myself (after all, the bride this time is godless – definitely a much better party…). It’s even better that this weekend is the traditional `God Weekend’, as well, where I go up north to sing with my Mom’s church choir – except this year I’m eschewing God in favour of sin, sin, sin.
Got home at 1 AM last night after working with Dallas to cut the soundtrack for the B party – there are no words for how tired I am this morning. More prep tonight – I think sleep is out of the question.
Can I help at all? Not with the sleeping so much as with the prep work – you know I always enjoy prep more than the event itself. And tonight is JVL’s “work late” night.
Prep work is a sickness; particularly with Hallowe’en, which just last night I realized I should start planning for by scheduling Chudleighs. Speaking of planning: when is your party this year?
Maybe you guys could consider the Friday or Sunday? Basically any day that is NOT Saturday the 30th, as I will have to attend the Silver Snail party and I think you and Amy and Seth and Lyssa and Rob should come, too. It’s invitation only, we’ve booked a club, 2 DJs, there are prizes for best costume, and hors d’oeuvres. Think about it… you haven’t sent the evite yet, so it’s not carved in stone!