The Day Pulls Itself Together

The gunman was shot down by SWAT. *sigh*

I am going for drinks after work with . Drinks make pain go.

Then I am going to the home of , , and to do artsy craftsy things for (ahem) a party coming up this weekend.

I am planning on sending out an Evite for my annual trip to Chudleigh’s Apple Farm as we are only two months away from Hallowe’en and we’re going to need lots and lots of pumpkins. So far I’ve ruled out the Thanksgiving weekend, as there will be scads of tiny children blocking my access to the llamas at the petting zoo, and making it dangerous to leap recklessly onto the haystacks. None of that! I will clamber all over the hay maze if I want to! And I do. I think October 17th is looking pretty spiffy: two weeks from All Hallows Eve, plenty of time to appreciate my master carving, not enough time for repulsive amounts of decomposition…

3 thoughts on “The Day Pulls Itself Together

  1. Shouldn;t you be using your “drinks make pain go away” icon? I’m all about protocol, ma’am.


  2. omg Chudleigh’s!!!!! memories of elementary school field trips come racing back!!

    Why are you so cool?!?!

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