My secondment here at Tourism ends September 27th. Which means I have about 4 weeks to find myself a new job, or else return to my old job, which, after serious consideration of all consequences, I’ve pretty much decided I Will. Not. Do.
So, it’s find new employment or start being a full-time housewife in Weston, possibly getting a part-time sales position at Future Shop or working cash full-time at the Snail, or else writing the Great Canadian Novel/Comic Book Series. Not that I would mind a career in retail (or more time to work on artistic projects!), as I’ve done it before and could do it again. However.
As Snoop Dogg says, you’ve gotta “make money, money, make money, money, money”… I’ve become rather used to my current degree of cash-flow, and it would be difficult to gear down and relinquish my sweet, sweet income and benefits package without a fight.
I’ve been applying for government jobs here and there over the past few months: communications officer, correspondence writer/editor, web inquiry officer, administrative co-ordinator and good ol’ secretary. And finally, yesterday I got a bite! I have an interview on September 9th at 2pm, for an Administrative Co-ordinator position. AND today I got an unsolicited phone call from a company who saw my (newly updated) resume posted on, so after months of nada, zilch, zip, suddenly it’s job offers galore! It never rains but it pours.
Everyone please keep your fingers crossed that I get a new job so that I can remain solvent and online.
Dude, how do I get the correspondence writer/editor job? 😉 That would have been the shit.
Good luck!
Thanks for the positive wishes.
I think it’s time to buy a suit and dye the hair brown again. Blech.
…but dude – if the company from is Primerica – just say no. It’s like the Amway of personal financial planning – Amy, Seth, and I have all gotten recruiting calls from them at various periods of unemployment – they’re just a big ol’ waste of time.
Good luck at the interview next Thursday – my fingers are crossed!
how does solvent and online work in the same sentence?
in any case, fingers crossed. i’m sure we’ll get the digs when it happens. (ps. ever thought about calling up old acquaintances? e.g. one sean m. is working in queens park at the moment….)