1) JVL has a pass for the two of us to go see the sneak preview of ‘Resident Evil: Apocalypse’ sometime next week. Having watched bits and pieces of RE1, I’m not sure I’m mentally equipped to return to Raccoon City. Prepare for some severely sleep-deprived entries next week.
2) Sarrah has already picked her ‘Zatanna’ costume for the Silver Snail invitation-only Hallowe’en bash, following upon last year’s brilliant ‘Electra’ outfit. Now I have to come up with something to wear to the party, only I’m going to be brokedy-broke-assed for late October, after a September of paying for wedding gifts, hotel suites and car rentals so it’s got to be cheap. I do have an old, ripped burgundy ballgown. I’m thinking about getting some make-up and fake blood on and going as Carrie or the Bride of Frankenstein or some such. Anyone got ideas for girl in a ripped dark-red ballgown? Or anything that I might be able to persuade JVL to join me in? Or anything for JVL, who isn’t interested *at all* in dressing up?
Ripped ballgown?
Obviously you’re a Sunnydale High student at the prom. Vamped or pre-vamp, up to you, but I’d go with vamped personally. 🙂
No, I am not getting anything done today. :p
1) RESIDENT EVIL was ass. RE:A looks to be two times as much ass. I can’t believe it would cause anyone sleepless nights, unless the thought of losing two hours your can never have back to another RESIDENT EVIL movie keeps you tossing and turning.
2) Put JVL in the dress.
But I don’t suppose you would have time at the moment to hit me with those links you bookmarked on my computer last night? 😀 I forgot to send them to myself at work, where the printed is all full of ink and waiting for me to abuse it…
Also? I just filled out a pre-application for a PC Mortage! Eeek! Based on their online form, the numbers look pretty reasonable – If I’m reading it correctly, significantly better than I expected. I’m wondering if perhaps paying ridiculous rent for the past few years has left me with an inflated sense of what normal carriage on a place might be…? (If I was reading it right, I was seeing mortgage carriage of about $800/month for a place in the low 200,000s – I was expecting more like $1200+…)
Oded Fehr is in RE:A, and I loves me some Oded. *droool*
I had no idea he was in it until I saw the trailer, which disappointed me, as I obviously misssed another stalking opportunity. Bah!
Okay, okay, here are the free Canadian credit report links, but I had better get some good costume ideas from you for this!
1) Trans Union Canada Credit Report Mail-in Info
2) Equifax Credit History Mail-in PDF Form
Don’t ever say I’m not handy when it comes to $$$$.
ps – Before you sign ANYTHING, phone in to ING Direct. Nothing works better than being able to bargain banks against one another with price quotes and percentages. Except maybe getting a lawyer to do it for you (Paul’s daddy?)
Melly, I told Chrissy I wasn’t going to leak this to you for fear you’d set up camp on the streets, but…
Viggo is in town. For the film festival.
He’s staying at the Windsor Arms.
Get your stalk on. He’s been spotted walking through Vic Campus and out onto Bay Street to get to the Manulife. May the force be with you.
No. Way.
Seeing Hidalgo last week completely clinched it for me.
I’m just head over fucking heels.
What am I gonna doooo?
I’m such the ineffective stalker woman.
Milla Jovovich is in it too, and she’s dead sexy in a towel holding a machine gun. Still doesn’t make the movie worth my time.
Well, it’s obvious your tastes are more refined than mine. 😉
It’s shit like that why I haven’t dressed up for Halloween since grade 2.