So, I’m going to a wedding rehearsal dinner this Wednesday.
I have spent the past two weeks, ever since I was asked to stand and speak at the wedding, reading through an entire book of wedding poetry called “To Woo and to Wed”. I pondered long and hard, using all of my English-language acumen, my many long years of education and training towards the goal of choosing a sentiment that I thought would represent the union of the bride and groom. This Saturday, I got a phone message informing me that my reading selection has been chosen for me, and I’m to practice it for the rehearsal. Sigh.
I Would Live In Your Love – Sara Teasdale
I would live in your love as the sea-grasses live in the sea,
Borne up by each wave as it passes,
drawn down by each wave that recedes;
I would empty my soul as the dreams that have gathered in me,
I would beat with your heart as it beats,
I would follow your soul as it leads.
In other news, today marks my 7th “monthiversary” with Justin. I’ll have to think of something nice for us to do tonight. According to the ‘All-Knowing Internet’, traditional 7th-versary presents have a theme of copper and wool, lapis lazuli and onyx. A contemporary or modern 7th anniversary present has a theme of Desk Set. The flowers associated with the 7th anniversary are Jack-in-the-pulpit. I don’t like any of these ideas (although I suppose on the “desk set” theme, I did get him a robotic flashlight on Saturday this weekend). Jack-in-the-pulpits look too much like funeral flowers to me, and I’m not digging the navy blue and black gemstones. I’m a colourful blooms and jewels kind of girl.
Maybe I’ll just cook us a nice dinner.
Amy sent you e-mail re: getting up there on Wednesday, but it looks like it might be getting bounced back from her work address. Have you seen it?
… could someone please forward her the evite to my b-day partay? I don’t have her email address…
“desk set” is a hepburn/tracy movie about a librarian who is wooed by a computer guru. very good stuff to watch with a date.
No, ma’am, I have not seen Ms. Amy’s e-mail.
And I’m sorry about failing to call you back last night. Somebody had too much pina colada/rum and coke action followed up with dairy at Baskin Robbins which made her blarty and floated last night, and that somebody was me. I got all caught up in the excitement of my innards, and neglected you. 🙁
Perhaps I will call you right this minute.
Thanks for the hint. I looked up “Desk Set” on and it looks most promising! If I don’t rent it tonight (and I should), I will get it eventually. Given how much JVL likes “Pillow Talk”, he might just be into it.
I decided I couldn’t wait until dinner for celebration, so I took an outrageous voyage down to the Silver Snail for my lunchhour, and we had munchies at the Peter Street Deli together. Mmm… saucy chicken.