Arrived late, so everything has been rush rush – they changed the gorram 59E Maple Leaf bus schedule!!! Damn you, TTC fiends!
6.07am, 6.31am, 6.55am, 7.19am, 7.43am, 8.07am, 8.31am, 8.55am, 9.19am, 9.50am, 10.20am, 11.20am, 12.20pm, 1.20pm, 2.20pm, 3.20pm, 4.00pm, 4.40pm, 5.20pm, 6.00pm, 6.40pm
I’m losing my mind. The United Way Ontario Public Service Kick-Off Party is tomorrow, and it’s ALL I’ve been working on for about two weeks, while quietly letting my ACTUAL job which they ACTUALLY pay me for slide into the toilet. THE TOILET!!! Location, equipment, food, beverages, advertisements, posters, baloons, podiums, speakers… aaaarrrgggh!
Not to say I’m not functioning as a scheduler. People are getting called (although sometimes they’re getting called late). Appointments are being made (but not reconfirmed, so some people are failing to show up). Things are still making their way into the calendar (including flights to Ottawa, which are being typed in as “flight to Montreal” – that was just plain stupid).
I hope these mild bouts of incompetence aren’t affecting my Manager’s opinion of me, since he’ll hopefully be getting a call to give a reference for me for the interview I had last week. Still have not heard more about the job, and I have only two weeks left at this office. Got a call from my old manager this morning asking me to confirm my plans to return to my old position this morning. Have not called her back yet. Hoping for miraculous reprieve with new job. Or suddenly to get the balls to officially ask for my 7 month educational leave.
Anyhow, tomorrow United Way is over. For a while at least.
Last night I visited my dear friend Nona, who has just been appointed the new Dean of Students at University College. I needed to get what I thought would be a quick fix of the latest UofT gossip, but turned into 3 hours, a bottle of wine, and a wee dram of scotch. Getting home mildly tipsy at 10pm wasn’t really supposed to be the plan for my monthiversary with JVL, so even though I called him at 5pm, 7pm and again at 9pm to update him on my whereabouts, I was feeling the guilty. As it turns out, he had apparently had a similar idea to mine, as I found him in the basement with 6 empties and a bottle of Keith’s in hand, watching his third episode of “West Wing” for the evening. Which would have been groovy, except that he had *neglected to eat dinner*. Sigh.
After a bittersweet phonecall from Rainbow, wherein he told JVL he’s coming into town this Wednesday and partying all weekend — which is cool, except that we’ll be at a wedding Friday and Saturday — we made it upstairs to bed for midnight. For a while.
JVL had “the spins” so he needed to stay awake a little longer; since I hate sleeping without him, we trudged downstairs together and crashed out on the sofa while he watched “Lord John Marbury”. I don’t really remember getting back upstairs, but I woke up in bed this morning, so I guess it happened at one point or another. I hope JVL’s sleep patterns even out soon, ’cause this is the last week before my period, and I sense I’m gonna get cranky in the midst of all the Wedding Madness. Peace to y’all.
He’s just the MOST adorablest army guy ever.
Let’s not be pumping that boy’s ego up any more than necessary.
He already knows he’s damn pretty – it’s what he gets paid for.
Shamefully, I have only seen the pilot episode for “SG: Atlantis”, but they gave RSF some pretty woeful dialogue in it. There were some giggles from JVL and I at the “You’re not allowed to name things” comedy routine. We keep meaning to go on TMN on Demand and watch the other 8 episodes, but CSI has got our number, and damned if Season 4 isn’t out on DVD this week!
They really haven’t given him anything better to do since then.
Some friends ya’ll are! 😉
He doesn’t need ratings from JVL or I – he’s got millions of folks happy to do that for him. We provide him with company he can just chill out with when he’s back on the ranch. If we start watching too much SG:Atlantis, we might begin to refer to him as ‘the Lieutenant’ accidentally, like “Hey, Ford, pass the ketchup!” or “Yo, Aiden, hand me that can opener?”
I imagine that would be rather upsetting for all parties. 🙂
Keeping it real,
Yep. There’s a huge danger of that. It’s a good thing you’re keeping him so honest. 😉