“To Prove to Dad That I’m Not a Fool”

Hmm. Back to school? What an interesting idea.

Here are UofT’s graduate English offerings for the winter semester. I just received the fax copy of my doctor’s letter yesterday, and although it is the vaguest piece of medical documentation of all time, it might just do the trick. I’m going to attempt to hunt down the letter that my father’s doctor wrote us quite a while ago describing the stage of my Dad’s condition during the 2001-2002 academic year as well, just to see if that helps. Although Jill Northgrave, the Graduate Counsellor & Program Administrator assured me that I could re-enter the program for this year, I’m still nervous that my delay in application might not permit me to sign up. Deadlines posted on the SGS main site say that October 1st is the deadline to add full courses (Y) and half-courses (H), and also myseriously has January 21 as the deadline to add *Winter* Session full courses (Y) and half-courses (H). All I’m certain of is that the clock is ticking for me to make my mind up about all this. Alternately, there’s always the Summer session.

Now, to look at the calendar and see what might possibly fit my schedule. With 17 second semester courses to choose from, and enrollment already having been underway for a few weeks, the pickin’s might be slim. It’s possible I would have to take what I get. But if selection were possible, there are some tasty morsels:
1047HS Doomsday, Damnation, and The Devil: Antichrist in Anglo-Saxon England
2003HS Eros and Anatomy in Early Modern Culture
2583HS Popular Legend in the Plays of Shakespeare and Contemporaries
3253HS Travel and Travellers in Literature and Culture, 1660-1830
4197HS Romanticism and Rise of Consumerism
5047HS Class in American Literature
5253HS Observant Allegorists: Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh
5707HS Canadian Literature and the Canon

Three options present themselves:
1) Get new 9-5 job, take the two 7-9pm night courses on Victorian Poetry and Greene/Waugh, and ask to be let out an hour early on Wednesdays to attend the 4-6pm Old English level 2 that I dread but require as a mandatory field course.
2) Go back to old 6:30am-3pm job and take my pick of the many 4-6pm courses, broadening my selection.
3) Screw work, take leave of absence until April, work front cash or warehouse at the Silver Snail, relish my freedom, read like a fiend, and take whatever courses my little heart desires in the second semester.

This will require some thought.

4 thoughts on ““To Prove to Dad That I’m Not a Fool”

  1. So many choices AND – yay for you – BACK TO SCHOOL! FINALLY!! I am proud coming, as I do, from a family that won’t stop until they hit PhD. Well, I mean, *I* will, but 3 out of the 5 won’t.

    I think you might have to come back to crappy MCI and do the brainless job. ‘Cause, hey, money and more course selection.

  2. Oooh!

    Canadian Literature and the Canon sounds like something I’d groove to.

    Take that, and then I can read your notes AND your books. 😉

  3. as a travel junkie, the travel(lers) in literature course calls to me, i approve.

    if i wasn’t so concerned with your 1) sanity and 2) financial viability, i would say either options 2 or 3 would be the thing to do. but as someone who is permanently attached to school in one form or another (latest idea: PhD, B.Ed, or library school??) i can’t really help myself. also, i want to go back to canada. that wasn’t really relevant, but all the same….

    good luck! *hugs*

  4. Antichrist! Antichrist! Antichrist!

    …Graham Greene is excellent too though.

    RE: Jobs
    If you say, “screw the job”, you will be sad and broke and not able to buy cool new toys. Try and find a new job though, your old job sounds like it is eating your soul….though as a last resort, financial security is never an all bad option. If anythign it will give you a base from which to apply for other new positions without the financial stress.


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