Addendum for Readers

Questions for book folks:

1) Has anyone read any Graham Greene? Particularly, The Power and the Glory (1940); The Heart of the Matter (1948); The End of the Affair (1951); Our Man in Havana (1958); A Burnt-Out Case (1961); The Comedians (1966).

2) Has anyone read any Evelyn Waugh? Particularly, Decline and Fall (1928); Vile Bodies (1930); A Handful of Dust (1934); Brideshead Revisited (1945); The Loved One (1948); Officers and Gentlemen (1955).

Thoughts? Opinions? Rants? Raves?

Trying to wrap my head around the 1940s

General Goings-on
Book Reviews
Recent televised recreation of living conditions on BBC
Academy Award Winners for Best Picture
Kingwood College Library American Cultural History in the Forties

Speak to me, librarians and booklovers!

2 thoughts on “Addendum for Readers

  1. I read Brighton Rock by Graham Greene (1938) a long time ago – I remember it being sharp and biting, and not exactly a comfortable read, but good nonetheless.

    I think I may have also read Brideshead Revisited – I know I always *meant* to read some Evelyn Waugh – but I can’t remember if I actually did. I might have possibly gotten confused and read Edith Wharton instead.

  2. I personally love Graham Greene. I went through a phase about 10 years ago where I read almost all of his stuff in the space of something like 2 months. This may have been a mistake as they all tend to run together in my mind now. However, the two that really stick out from that time are The Comedians and The Quiet American. Both are brilliant and depressing.

    As for Evelyn Waugh, I have only read The Loved One and I thought it was hysterical.

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