Hail Lindt! Hail Pegg! All Hail!

Except for the abdominal bloating and excessively engorged bosom, you can hardly tell that my period is due any minute now, thanks to the magickal mood-altering properties of Lindt chocolate and the thoughtful prepacked lunch give me by my beloved .

This delightful fellow has also gifted and I with preview tickets to see Simon Pegg do his best to comedically slay the undead in ‘Shaun of the Dead’ on Wednesday night. In return, I will him out to see ‘Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow’ when we find a minute to ourselves.

Mmm… chocolate.

(ps – is it too late for me to bother reviewing the Film Festival?)

7 thoughts on “Hail Lindt! Hail Pegg! All Hail!

  1. (ps – is it too late for me to bother reviewing the Film Festival?)

    If that was directed at me (and my website *cough*) in particular, the answer is: absolutely not! Bring it on!

  2. Hey, Listers, I got two new books on Sunday — ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time’, a mystery about a dead dog told from the perspective of an autistic child, and the new Bill Bryson book on the History of Everything or what have you.

    Very excited. Have you read either?

  3. Oo, I haven’t read that Bryson yet, but I’m dying to – I’ve read a few others of his, and thoroughly enjoyed them.

    I think vestra read TCIOTDITN, and I seem to remember her enjoying it, but for some reason it didn’t grab me.

    Have you decided what classes you’re taking yet? I discovered when I got home that I had read Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh, but obviously it didn’t make any impression on me.

  4. Enjoy Shaun of the Dead. Hilarious movie. I found it hard to distinuish zombie britons from live ones, but perhaps you’ll be able to tell the difference 😉

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