Someone needs to stand up. One of us needs to stand up and say to the weather, “That’s enough, weather. We see that you are big and tough. We recognize that you can kick the collective asses of humanity. Please stop now.”
I mean, on the 14 minute walk from Union Station to work, I lost contact with my thighs. We had radio silence from the area extending from the lower lip of my jacket to right about the top of my leather boots, but with a particularly ominous silence from the quadriceps.
Freakin’ stupid cold. Making me not like winter. Dammit.
This weather is *not* going to help me pull off the super-duper-late-night studying extravaganza that I need to perform tonight in order to complete my Waugh seminar for Tuesday. No sir, it sure ain’t.
Alas, Sunday’s attempted installation of JVL’s mom’s new comptuer and wireless router was not a great success. One might call it a crushing disappointment. I managed to hook up the computer and install most of the necessary software just fine, and the router is working, HOWEVER I had difficulty transferring the data files for the essential accounting software and worse, the household laptop, which previously was picking up every wireless signal known to God and man, decided it just didn’t want to hear it anymore and has decided to implement a complete wireless signal boycott. Wireless signals are dead to it now. I think it’s just being petulant because it used to be the new kid on the block, and now that baby’s come home, it’s just the middle child. Sure, the older computer blazed the way, making it easier for the laptop to stay out late, but it’s no longer the hub of attention, and it’s angry and hurt. Either that, or JVL and I just pooched the installation of the driver software real bad. Hard to tell, really.
Speaking of, JVL’s mouth started bleeding last night, for the first time since his gum surgery five days ago. It was pretty bad – we tried applying a wet black tea bag, as the dentist suggested, but the tannins didn’t really do their job, so the blood kept a-flowin’. Icky. It was made worse by the fact that we were watching the home video of JVL’s high school performance as ‘Brad Majors’ in the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and we were both laughing and wanting to discuss what was happening on stage, but were unable to due to the gushing torrents of red gore emitting from JVL’s soft palate.
I have to say, he was really, really good in the performance, though. His singing was strong, his voice projection and inflection was excellent, and he looked *dead sexy* in a mesh shirt and a boa. Rraawwwrrr. I can only agree with his own self-assessment: “Justin *is* Brad Majors”.
Where was your rant LAST week? It’s actually almost warm out today! -12C? That’s SANE winter temperature! I was able to do my commute sans hat and gloves! Comfortably! With only one layer under my coat!
Sunday, on the other hand, was so cold as to perhaps be actually EVIL.
Also, are we doing a pub night this week? If so, might I humbly suggest either Wednesday or Thursday?
If you’re pubbing this week (and your actual-responsible-human-being schedules don’t mean that you have to be in bed at a reasonable hour), then I demand that it be Wednesday so’s I can join you. I’ll be a-schooling until 10pm, but I’m free thereafter… is that too late on a weeknight? Given that I’m not gainfully employed, my sense of bedtime is extremely warped.
OMG, I am totally traumatized by JVL’s gum surgery now. I can’t imagine how HE feels.
Also: high-school performances of Rocky!!! Love. Although, I often wonder what on EARTH schools can be thinking to put that show on. Like… have you seen the show, high school drama teacher? Hello?
10pm on a worknight is a little extreme, especially with the M still commuting to and fro(m Weston) – also, I thought you didn’t have classes Wednesday, but just Tuesday and Thursday, finishing early in the evening. Or did I make that up?
Surely there MUST be a way to make this pub-thing happen. Surely!
It’s true that I don’t have classes on Wednesdays, but I’ve got moot rehearsals on Wednesday nights until mid-February.
Normally I’d suggest going out on Thursday, but Amy & I seem to have stumbled upon a brief respite from our usual not-seeing-each-other-for-weeks routine, so on nights when I’m not in class, I’m aiming to be home as early as possible. So I’ll take the bench this week and hook up with the two of you lovelies next week (assuming you’re free then). Sound good?
keep at it with the tea. i consumed *boxes* of tea bags after my gum surgeries. and even when i stopped bleeding long enough that i thought i could make it through class without dripping on my classmate’s pages, i still took a few tea bags with me just in case (and thank god i did). i’m a bleeder. maybe justin is too.
Yes, please, with the Paul rainchecking.
Chrissy may be a different matter – I actually need Wednesday 5-7pm to read Wordsworth’s stinking ‘The Prelude’, and then of course there is class 7-9pm, but Thursday still has possibilities. Hmm?
Paul, I am afraid I won’t be able to have late night downtown pubbing shenanigans until after Valentine’s Day, which is the closing date for the new condo. Then we can coffee all the way until my bedtime at midnight, like the wild young devils we are! Woot! Midnight!
(There are first year undergrads all over the world laughing at my definition of a “late night” right now; in moments, I will begin lamenting “those damn kids”, and then it’s only steps to complete spiritual death).
It is a pretty “risque” production; there was certainly a whole lot of black teddy / boustier / satin bathrobe / fishnet costuming going on for a bunch of kids who (in theory) have not as yet lost their virginity.
But, what the hell, they have to learn sooner or later, right? And how much better or worse is it than my high school OAC musical production of “Little Shop of Horrors”, which features a sadistic dentist, a murdering shopkeep, and several gruesome deaths to benefit the growth of an evil mutated flower?
I mean, is sexual content worse than dentistry onstage?
After JVL’s oral bloodsplosion last night, I can’t really say with any real conviction that it is.
A bleeder, eh? Is THAT why they call you “squirty-kurty”??? I wondered.
Thanks for the supportive comments. I don’t want to make one of those dreadful, accusatory “you shopped up my boyfriend and made him bleed! fiend! beast! monster!” kind of phonecalls to my very lovely dentist, but I fear that if further unstaunchable bleeding occurs tonight, he may be the victim of some rage-dialing.
Heh, yes, I remember feeling odd about Little Shop when I was in junior high and went to see the local high school production.
Mind you, when I was in high school I played a pregnant crach whore in one of our shows. So… I don’t know what, but there it is.
…because I played a crack whore. Durr.
I like it like this… or when it’s warm. Actually, I think I’m just a fan of weather stability. I’m not so fond of the tween times… like all of Spring.
Is wide open, my friend. Name your time. Shall we visit the Den?
It is on, like the Donkey Kong.
Any time after work; I finish circa 5-5:30pm, so maybe I’ll just go there and wait for you? I can browse in Indigo if I get bored, and you could call me on my cell.
History tells me I can be there for 5:20. Wear your poutine-eatin’ hat!