Friday Night Fever

Update for tonight’s activities:
Must, must, must shave and moisturize legs and give self pedicure. Legs not looking sexy. Cannot let winter defeat sense of personal attractiveness; have already conceded on hair front, will continue to wage battle below waist. Important to not merely read Waugh, but also bite into Tennyson’s ‘In Memoriam’, despite it’s mildly depressing subject matter.

AND, thanks to , have discovered wonderful CBC3 indy rock streaming radio, and now want to buy albums from NYC rapper ‘Beans’ and Vancouver rapper ‘Birdapres’ for . The internet is great.

3 thoughts on “Friday Night Fever

  1. I’m liking that LJ pic, I want those rose-tinted specs.

    Hello there!

    It’s been a while, I hope you don’t mind me tapping into your soul… I’m back in the GTA in April and it would be good to catch up with you proper, instead of randomly bumping into you on the streetcar at Union (years ago, I tell you). You had no hair, which was quite flattering on you, I thought.

    *pauses to breathe* my, I’m quite chatty when burning the midnight oil. 🙂

  2. Picture of Arthur Henry Hallam, poet;
    ‘In Memoriam: AHH’ is my one link to English Lit – the AHH of course being Arthur Henry Hallam. While it sucks that this is the most famous Hallam in history, and he’s famous simply for having a stroke; at least Tennyson decided to write poems about the loss for 17 years. Guess that’s got to count for something.

  3. de nada. don’t forget: stream often!

    (and just in case if you haven’t figured it out: there’s a symbol on the far right of the playlist that takes you to the newmusiccanada website with more info and links to the band/artist pages)

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