Too tired to type a proper post, but if I leave it another day things are going to get lost from the weekend, which would be a pity. Am fully moved into new condo, but planning on spending Reading Week at home in Weston.
Instead, to preserve snippets that may jog my memory later, here is a mishmash of the 11th-14th.
Tried Cinnabon popcorn – interesting, but not as good as sweet. Bought JVL a Japanese buckwheat pillow for V-day. He got me a PS2 game, ‘Katamori Damaci’, which is incredible. Mum bought me loads of wonderful things for the apartment, like a toaster oven, shower curtain, ice cream scoop and light bulbs.
Ikea hell with the Malm bedframe, bed is sooo high, too firm, bedside table not done yet. May have to remove supporting metal beam and sit boxspring on floor to make mattress low enough for over-bed matching Malm birch lap table. Christ.
Went shopping at Crossroads with
Not awesome was lack of meeting social commitments. Missed Serpa’s Saturday Sprinr Roll luncheon. Dammit. Also missed huge surprise birthday bash for Rob and Dallas due to post-bed moving exhaustion. Did not drink any champagne. Do have serious crick in neck. Temporarily lost mother this morning due to broken telephone in her apartment, found her circa 2pm as panic was beginning to seriously strike thanks to landlady. Justin off work today, won’t be able to join him at home until later due to work that built up during my two days off.
Must. Read. More. Schoolwork is becoming increasingly oppressive. Need to finish 800 page ‘Ring and the Book’ by Browning asap, also last 100 pages of ‘Brideshead Revisited’ by Waugh, and all of ‘Gentlemen and Officers’, also Waugh. Might want to go back and take another shot at ‘Aurora Leigh’, which I abandoned in despair last week. Might want to take some notes. Might want to DEVELOP SOME THESES. Christ.
I’m sitting here with a boatload of music trying not to panic. It would obviously be smarter for me to be working on that rather than posting on LJ, but I am powerless before my monitor and it’s alluring cybertreats.