Happy April Fools’ Day!

As an amusing April Fools joke on my mother, I have created a LiveJournal for her. This is something I think she has secretly wanted for some time, since she obsessively reads my journal, but has not yet left a single comment in it.

Please welcome the opinionated Brit now known as .

The real April Fools joke here is hidden in her userpics. There is one of Mum and her killer psycho cat, one of her in a cat hat, and a last one mysteriously named “Dorthy”, the significance of which will be lost on those who have not had the pleasure of meeting my mother in the flesh.

Let’s just say, it’s a bold piece of skin adornment, and leave it at that. 😉

2 thoughts on “Happy April Fools’ Day!

  1. Welcome, Moira the `only slightly less younger’!

    Monty looks almost cute in that picture – it’s true what they say – a picture is better than a thousand lies… 🙂


  2. I love LJ and the comments are hilarious. As to the photo of me with Monty, how anyone could suppose that he is a phycho-cat is beyond me – the scars on my arms and legs are his way of telling me how much he loves me, right?

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