Dang. Justin’s camera, which was a piece of junk that has never, despite going in for repair, focused properly, is back at Future Shop. It’s been there for over 30 days. Which should mean that he gets a new camera, since that’s part of their warranty. But I have his old batteries in *my* camera, and we have to get them back to the store today, which will be tricky since I have a crazy afternoon/evening schedule which is not looking good on the “hopping a train to Weston” front.
I start a meeting in 45 minutes that won’t get out until 5pm (if I’m lucky, and I don’t think today is my lucky day), and then I need to go to the condo to write my overdue “claim” paper of Hardy’s ‘The Trumpet-Major’, then to class for 7pm to spend two hours listening to a lecture on the book that has been giving me nightmares for the last week (Graham Greene’s ‘The Comedians’, despite it’s cheerful title, is set in Haiti and features a lot of voodoo, zombies, limbless beggars, and political assassinations). Then finally, because this is the last week of classes, my friend Kai and I were asked to arrange a drinking expedition for the class, which we’ve done very little (read: no) planning for. Yikes!
Fortunately, Justin is smart, and has sent his cousin Emily up to my office to fetch the batteries and take them home to Weston with her. I can’t help but wonder what her reaction will be to seeing me in this environment. Em has only ever seen me at work in the Snail, on the shitty Keele bus to Weston, and chilling at her cousin’s house with a cup of tea in hand. Me in a business suit, in my extremely stereotypical office-space cubicle, might send her spiralling into an apoplectic fit. I hope she’s okay.
Since this is the last week of class, Justin and I have made plans to go see ‘Sin City’ on Thursday night, and I’m pretty excited about it. He and I have not had a lot of luck going to see movies, just the two of us. Usually we have Glenda or Emily or Dan or some combination of all three along, which probably has a lot to do with the fact that all three of those people have cars and I think Justin has “attitude” about seeing movies downtown (not enough separation physically from work? not accustomed to *paying* to see movies at the Paramount due to lots of free passes?). Also, of course, we love these people and they are fun to hang out with. But not so great for the hand-holding, smoochy date activity.
The one time we decided to really try for a “date” movie, Justin took me to the theatre at Yonge and College to see ‘Napoleon Dynamite’, and the bloody projector broke. We sat there for over half an hour, waiting while they tried vainly to fix the machine, and were then asked to go stand in line again to get a refund. Then we were too pooped to wait the hour to go see something else, so we went home. Not our most stellar evening. So you see, although we’ve been together for quite a while, this is still an exciting event.
Side note: Glenda loaned us the DVD of ‘Napoleon Dynamite’, and we watched it the other day. Very funny. I liked it!