Well, my interview was not a total disaster, and they said they’d be informing us of who is offered the position by the end of the week, but I’m not sure I want to work there.
I know this sounds dreadful, but I miss having dudes in the workplace. Seriously, in my current workplace there are 25 of us, and only 5 guys. And in the office across the hall, where the Big Bosses are, there are 9 women. Zero men. Having guys around is entertaining. They contribute something unique to the workplace; a different perspective. If there are no men, you are in danger of estrogen overload. And I should know — from 13-19 I worked in two distince all-female environments — first a library and then a bookstore.
From what I could see at Legal Aid, it’s the same situation. All chicks, all the time.
So. Now I wait.
ps – I have a sunburn on my lower back from wearing comfy pants to dig out that shrub and GODDAMN it hurts!!! Owwww! Big red welt!
StatsCan is your friend, e.g.
Hmm… looks like shipbuilding and repair, the grain elevator industry and asphalt roofing are good bets for being a real feminist and breaking new, currently all-male ground.
All I want is *balance*.