How the Interview Went

Well, my interview was not a total disaster, and they said they’d be informing us of who is offered the position by the end of the week, but I’m not sure I want to work there.

I know this sounds dreadful, but I miss having dudes in the workplace. Seriously, in my current workplace there are 25 of us, and only 5 guys. And in the office across the hall, where the Big Bosses are, there are 9 women. Zero men. Having guys around is entertaining. They contribute something unique to the workplace; a different perspective. If there are no men, you are in danger of estrogen overload. And I should know — from 13-19 I worked in two distince all-female environments — first a library and then a bookstore.

From what I could see at Legal Aid, it’s the same situation. All chicks, all the time.

So. Now I wait.

ps – I have a sunburn on my lower back from wearing comfy pants to dig out that shrub and GODDAMN it hurts!!! Owwww! Big red welt!

2 thoughts on “How the Interview Went

  1. Hmm… looks like shipbuilding and repair, the grain elevator industry and asphalt roofing are good bets for being a real feminist and breaking new, currently all-male ground.

    All I want is *balance*.

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