Mr. Paint Tray Borrower has, of course, not yet finished moving out. He still has keys, and there is still stuff in his room, in the basement, in the garage. Has anyone else ever done this? Moved out AFTER your rent money has run out, and the end of the month has come and gone?
I would be in more of a bad mood about this, but I had a great morning. New Roommate K. was kind enough to drive me to my doctor’s appointment when I stupidly missed the 7:45am Maple bus. I showed up on time, got my BC prescription renewed, blood test done to check if my thyroid is still clunking along, and when I was all done thought “screw it” because it was sunshiney and lovely, and walked for an hour back to work. Went to Starbucks for a non-fat decaf latte and the woman said I looked so pale and icky after my needle that I needed a free coffee. I (heart) nice baristas. Then wandered down Yonge, through Rosedale, stopped and bought an apple at a fancy fruit shop (first fruit in 2 weeks! yum!), passed the glorious Summerhill liquor temple, cut through U of T campus and tried to pick up my paper with no luck, but ran into my friend Kai, who I’m going to try to hang out with this summer because I miss my English Masters peeps. Rolled into work at a very civilized 10:15am.
All in all, a lovely way to start the day.
Mr. Paint Tray Borrower has, of course, not yet finished moving out. He still has keys, and there is still stuff in his room, in the basement, in the garage. Has anyone else ever done this? Moved out AFTER your rent money has run out, and the end of the month has come and gone?
No. No, man. That just isnt right. Was this guy raised by …. I dunno, someone irresponsible? I imagine he doesnt really feel the stress though if someone isnt moving in after him, right? Has he actually bought his own painting supplies yet?
I’ve had people try it. The usual end result is their stuff piled in the garbage collection area, combined with a new lock on the door (eliminating the need to get back their keys). A bit pricey, but oh-so-satisfying.
take his crap, put it in the garage. He’s not out by Sat., it goes in the rubbish.
And really…a new lock is what? ten bucks? Plus the Mogul in you should know that’d be a tax write off anyway. *g*