…got soaked by the massive deluge that hit while I was walking to Union to catch the train. Although I was made aware of this nifty science fact during an unfortunate Muskoka canoeing adventure several years ago, I was given a forcible reminder that denim and water do not mix. Neither do sopping wet purses and certified cheques, but that’s another story.
…had to sit on the GOTrain for over 40 minutes while the conductor dudes scrambled out every few hundred meters to manually change the switches. Damned switches! Damned air conditioning on trains turning my soaking wet nipples numb with cold!
…bought a car from the Internet. Yes, you read that right. A car. A four-wheeled, two-doored, hatchbacked, automatic vehicle. From the Internet. Damned craigslist! See, there was this adorable little 95 Suzuki Swift, and it needed a good home. It’s A/C was broken, and it was born without power steering, but it gave good mileage for gas with its sturdy little 4-cylinder engine, and it had passed all its safety and emissions tests, so I took it under my wing and paid the $1200 adoption fee. It needed me, don’t you see? Now we have to find a name for it. Pepe has been suggested, as has Jefe. I may do a poll eventually, but for now, suggestions are welcome. As is gas money.
This isn’t a photo of the car itself, but will give you an idea:
Oh sweetie, just when I think you can’t do anything else to shock me, you go and to something else that shocks me.
Don’t forget: that car is so getting submitted to “Pimp My Ride”.
Lola. Never forget Lola.
Oh, and in the tradition of Amy Fisher ….Lolita. There was many a car in the Northeast named Lolita after that trial….
Was that totally unplanned? Yay….a car! A cute little car that totally needed you 🙂 Brava!
Most people impulse buy chocolate bars. Or bad paperbacks. You impulse buy CONDOMINIUMS and MOTOR VEHICLES.
You have officially lost the right to complain the next time you realize you are broke.
what happened to the motorbike?
If it makes it any better, I virtually NEVER impulse buy things at the cash-out counter at retail stores. And I never, ever buy bad paperbacks (mostly I mooch them off of friends).
Come on, get into the spirit of the thing! You only live twice, life is short, live large, debt is a state of mind, etc etc. Besides, I’m 27 and this is my first car! In Oakville years, I’m like the Old Maid of car-dom.
And just think, I can decorate the interior and exterior in amusing ways. Perhaps glue some action figures to the roof, re-upholster the seats in shiny orange fabric, get some spinning rims, some under-car blue neon lights… the possibilities are endless. Think of it as my vehicular canvas.
Or, think of the cost as being a comedy write-off: like me buying 10 copies of the Family Guy DVD sets, except I’ve already laughed WAY harder at the car and my purchasing of it.
I should really shut my mouth though because without C I would still be a.) car-less and b.) house-less, so you basically kick my ass.
Now you have to come to the Hammer again and again to play with Huck and tell me why all the flowers I potted are dying.
Okay, this is my first try at long-distance psychic gardening, but I am expanding my mind outwards… oooommmmm…. your problem is… absurd heat is drying out your plants and overexposing them to sunlight.
Bring them inside for a day or two, and set up an automatic drip watering system that will keep them moist throughout the day.
Either that, or try to remember to give them water every other night for a week. For a potted plant with an 8 inch diameter or less 1/2cup every two days will suffice, for something bigger (urns, rectangular window boxes, etc), fill a juice pitcher half full, say, with 3cups of water, then slowly pour it over them until you see water coming out the bottom and filling the drip tray.
If you don’t have drip trays, get some. Make sure your pots have drainage holes in the bottom, otherwise the roots will get wet and rot. Not good.
Don’t go crazy with the plant food, as too much of a good thing will burn the roots, but maybe try a really weak solution of a water soluble house-plant feeder.
I did put draining things at the bottom of the pot – stones, etc. I do water every other day. Yet, they die. I actually think it might be because I haven’t picked very hardy plants. The petunias are good as are the gerber daisies, there are just a couple of flowers in the pot that have kicked it.
Ooo. Might have overwatered though. Yuck.
My hanging plants are doing incredibly well, though, so maybe I’m not THAT incompetent.