Sad Facts: Bad Clothes, Bad Spending, Bad Food

Fact: I am having a fashion-backwards day today. It’s like the me of twelve years ago possessed my body and dressed me in utterly dowdy and lumpish attire. I’m wearing an ankle-length grey flannel skirt with an elastic waist, and a dull blue long-sleeved work shirt with a gray knit sleeveless pullover on top, giving me that untucked, layered, shapeless appeal that my mother encouraged me to foster when I was 13. And I’m wearing it with tan sandals. It’s as though my entire body is wearing a fabric sandwich board that’s subliminally screaming, “I’ve had it! I can’t take being noticed by anyone! Please look away from me!”

Fact: I just did some serious retail therapy at the Textile Museum. I bought five quilt books, including that Japanese Crests book from Dover that isn’t really about quilting at all. Oh, and should be notified that thanks to her evil dissemination of pop knowledge, I have bought the Cookie Sutra. I needed it, see?

Fact: I also did some ‘eat-my-emotions’ therapy, which combined nicely with my outfit by being a throwback to high school lunches. Yes, kids, it’s a chicken burger with fries, gravy and a coke! Grooosssss. To add insult to injury, they only had those newfangled ‘NEW Coke with Lime’ cans in stock, and after five sips and some serious facial scrunching, I can conclusively state that it tastes like Coke with a dash of Aqua Velva men’s aftershave thrown in. Grooossss.

2 thoughts on “Sad Facts: Bad Clothes, Bad Spending, Bad Food

  1. Fact 1: why did your mother encourage frumpy at 13?

    Fact 2: kudos for retail therapy. Cookie Sutra is awesome.

    Fact 3: gross. if find you can vaguely taste the lime is you drink continuously and try to ignore the heady scent of bargain basement aftershave. nummy for all the wrong reasons.

  2. When I drink Coke-Lime my stomach gurgles and feels bloated and not in any remotely good way. I have chosen to stay away from it. Bleck!

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