1. I had a dream last night that the front page of the Globe & Mail ran this Onion-style article I had written titled “Courts Declare Possession IS Nine Tenths of Law; Tenants Overjoyed, Landlords Apoplectic”. I wrote it after having evicted all persons living in my condos, and sent the city into chaos.
2. Tom Green is in Toronto tonight, launching his new rap CD at Hooters Restaurant at John & Richmond. It shames me deeply, but I think I might go. While his more recent sell-out American shenanigans have been painful to watch, I still remember him from when he was on Ottawa local cable, being truly silly and Canadian and hilarious. I wrote a paper arguing for a comedic national style based on him, the Kids in the Hall, and the Royal Canadian Air Farce when I was in undergrad. Say what you will, Bam Marghera stole everything that makes him only mildly funny directly from Tom Green’s schtick. Very sad that my friend Olivia can’t come along. Anyone else want to join me for some wings and poop-themed rap?
3. Gun-toting transit cops in Vancouver? Sounds like a supremely bad idea to me.
4. My birthday is in less than two weeks (December 19th), and I have NO CLUE what to do. It sucks that all I really want is a pinata, but the weather is far too cold for outdoor shenanigans, and inside, a pinata = a lot of broken glass.
5. There is a new exhibit at the Textile Museum of Canada. It’s a little out of place, but it is awesome, and I give it a two-thumbs-up, 100% enthusiasm recommendation of it to everyone I know. It’s called “A Terrible Beauty”, and it features hundreds, thousands of dead exotic insects pinned to the walls to form patterns and designs. It is awesome. Truly. Even if you’re bug-phobic, you’ll appreciate the coolness of seeing scarab beetles, stag beetles, rare moths, butterflies as big as your hand and camoflaged leaf-insects transformed into art. Go see it; you’ll thank me later.
6. I called MCSS and turned down the AIF-19 position. The lady sounded really sad, and said she was disappointed. It’s flattering and heartbreaking all at once. I passed up a promotion! WHY??? I still don’t have a clear answer for this, but my gut told me “no”. I interview for a permanent IO-2 with MCI tomorrow afternoon, then Thursday go meet with the Manager from MAG about the IO-3 secondment.
7. OMG
If she wins (and there is almost no chance of anyone outbidding her, since the auction closes in 24 hours, and these quilts were viewed on average 300-400 times without recieving bids previously), she will owe the auction house about $700 buckeroos. Which is only $200 less than what my dream quilt sold for.
If this happens, I will cry.
Whatever spending condition you have is contagious, and you need to stay away from me. 😉
I’m going, god help me, I’m going. 😀
It only took 5 1/2 years, but we’re finally going to a Hooters together..
The word “apoplectic” was in your dream?! Man, you are *smart*.