5 thoughts on “Domestic Overload

  1. Pipes! How do you do it?

    I myself have made many an attempt at baking cookies, and they have all—bar none—been UNBELIEVABLY AWFUL. Tell me the secret to good cookie-baking!

  2. I would really like the recipie (receipe? ricepice? aw, screw it) for those. They look really, really good. 🙂

  3. I was just about to ask what type and if I could get a recipe for tyhose. They look mighty tasty!

  4. Mmmm, cookies.

    Not that I need to make any more cookies or anything.

    But the recipe would be appreciated – are they chocolate chip?

  5. The reason I haven’t posted the recipie is because it is JVL’s mum’s top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipie, entrusted to me to hold and protect. I am happy to make and distribute cookies as needed, but sadly I am not at liberty to distribute the nuts-and-bolts how-to guide until she finally decides to write her bestselling cookbook and the recipie enters the public domain. I will say that it involves large quantities of nuts.

    My apologies for tempting you without putting out,

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