Starting a(nother) new job next Monday and I’m pretty nervous about it.
New desk, new people, new ministry, new responsibilities.
However, on the bright side, I got a pop-up reminder from my Outlook calendar this morning to tell me that, as of January 1st, I have only 29 more years of work to go until I can retire on full pension! Go me!
If only I had the confidence that I could do thirty more years of office drudgery without committing seppuku. Alas, I do not. Sigh.
Will report on New Year’s party and psychotic house-cleaning at lunch. Busy catching up on work left over from last week’s missed days due to bacterial infection. Hurrah for Amoxicillin’s healing properties.
Did you NYE celebration include large numbers of uncontrollably-vomitting teenagers? ’cause mine did!
Just one. But one is enough.
I’ll write my massive report on our party a little later on today. Watch for it! Am swamped with work and stressing about new job at the moment. Not a good time for productive journalling.
ps – thanks for the kitty porn of Cleio this morning, she was an adorable start to my day, and JVL enjoyed the pics, too
30 years is nothing! 😉
Sorry I didn’t hike out to Weston, sweetie, but I was the Anti-Social.
No stress!! You know how it is, same old same old, regardless of where you’re working. Work is not life! You can doo eeet!
Check out what I bought today
Live like a king!
Not that I’d just a “book” by its “cover” or anything (*cough*), but that is some gorgeous case art!
Whoa. Whoa!
You really busted it out these. I’m guessing that wasn’t a Best Buy purchase either, but rather a Bay St. Video splurge?
Please tell me they had a “buy four Criterion Collection samurai films, get the fifth free!” sale on???
What happened to all that talk last week about how the rampant Boxing Day consumerism had turned you off buying things for a while? What about me talking about how we had lots of “stuff” including DVDs? What about only buying Ugetsu?
At least we can be fairly certain that they’ll all be excellent, thanks to the fact that they’re all Criterion.
ps – Your brother is going to be MAD jealous.
I think you’ve infected JVL with buyerism. *g*
FYI that icon is nasty.
I was thinking it might be what happened to the dude on the cover of “Samurai Rebellion”.
Also, it’s the only Japanese-themed one I have (since it’s from a Japanese teen menstruation info-site), oddly enough. Except for the Japanese maple, seen here.
Maybe I’ll make a shiny new Japanese-themed icon tonight. After watching Ugetsu, of course.
Girl, please, he had Terminal Buyerism way before he met me. Have you seen our basement? Have you SEEN the DVD collection? Or should I say, library?
Seriously. JVL contracted the Consumer Virus long ago. I had nothing to do with his infection.
Hey, sometimes, you just don’t feel like partying. That’s cool. You missed a good party, though. Report from me coming… soon?
If you ever do want to make the trip to Weston, I recommend the calling on the phone for a car pick-up from Lawrence West station. It considerably abbreviates “the hike”. By like, 20 minutes.
ps – OMG I get to kitty-sit for the next week. I am so not leaving the house for seven days. Oooooh! Squeal! Kitten!!!
You are totally doomed, the two of you.
Oooh! That’ll be so much cute for 7 days, you might explode.
I miss my babies being kittens. Fortunately they still have utterly excrutiating cute moments all the time.
When they’re not pissing on things, that is.
I think they may be misleading their female youths. As far as I know, menstruation does not result in a *MAGICAL EXPLOSION of blood from the vagina.
*magical because it appears to be beglittered