Menagerie a Trois

Well, we have quite the James Herriot episode happening at the house right now.

JVL heroically conquered his allergies to permit us to pet-sit a cat (not, as previously thought, a kitten) who is large and grey and named Eddie and he likes to sit and purr and be furry and I am okay with that.

Along with the cat came a dog, a bull mastiff to be more precise, who is extremely large (I think she weighs almost as much as I do), but very loving. Almost too loving, in that she tends to lose it if she isn’t in *constant* physical contact with a human. And there is a lot of gooey drool, which requires dedicated drool-removal rags. But Tia (the mastiff) is obedient and good natured, which is all you really need in a doggie.

And, of course, darling old Bunny-dog. Who is in no way obedient, but at least she doesn’t slobber.

So yes, three animals and three humans in the house at the moment. It’s a bit of a crunch, but kind of circus-y fun, all at the same time.

3 thoughts on “Menagerie a Trois

  1. What a sweet looking (and sounding) doggie! (I’m assuming that’s Tia’s photo, and not just a google image search result…) I love an affectionate dog, but not so much an affectionate kitty….must be the history of allergies talking. Eddie looks very regal, and I love his blue-grey colour. Is JVL managing ok? What kind of allergy meds is he taking?

  2. BIG DOGGIES!! I love Mastiffs…’cept for the drool. Huck only drools when I’m eating an orange.

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