So I bought new hair products yesterday.
As a result, I am now the proud owner of “Big” shampoo and “Veganese” conditioner, and two little pucks of hard shampoo that I haven’t used yet – a red one with cinnamon, and a blue one with seaweed. More on those later, after trial.
For now, I will say that “Big” delivered on it’s promise of serious volume, but as to the assertion on the label that it would be “life affirming”? I would question its effect in that area. My hair has so much poof that it has fought off all attempts at control via product, and is raging wildly in a variety of vertical angles away from my scalp.
In short, I have big, poofy hair today.
I love my solid shampoos from Lush.
The red one with cinnamon is called ‘New’, I think. Watch out – the water will run red when you rinse your hair.
The blue one with seaweed is also really nice.
Ha Ha, Sputnik!
I’m almost out of shampoo, and I’m totally looking around for ones without ingredients ending in “-one”. It’s like we were having the same conversation at some point… 😀
I *highly* recommend the Lush shampoos.
If you like scent, and particularly if you like warm-citrus-patchouli scent, they have a Karma shampoo bar that is delicious.
It’s also bright green!
I really like the Veganese conditioner.
And I have a mild thing for Cynthia Sylvia Stout shampoo, but hardly ever buy it.