Well, I have survived SickFest 2006 with the help of my good friends Azithromycin, a magical antibiotic that has somehow not given me the yeasties (hallelujah!), and Novahistex DH, a magical cough syrup that is not only a cheerful red colour and very tasty, but full o’ codeine, so taking a dose is like drinking two glasses of red wine. Fabulous stuff, and I highly recommend it.
My wee Suzuki Swift 95, however, may have done its last dance. I spoke to the mechanic, who sounded dejected about having to deliver this sort of awful news over the phone instead of in person where at least he could offer me a hanky. The car has a coolant leak, cracked CV shafts, a cracked timing belt, alternator belt and serpentine belt. To repair it will probably cost “thousands”, so I’m going to have it towed to the nearest Suzuki dealership and try to trade it in scrap or something, since I can’t really afford a new car right now. This means transferring my shiny new roadside assistance plan to my intrepid roommate, and cancelling my car insurance as well. So much for my suburban escape tool.
Looking forward to cousin K’s visit; she arrives tomorrow, but since I can’t pick her up at the airport, she’s taking off with some dude who has a car and lives in Guelph, and I won’t see her until Friday.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Last night Justin and I celebrated (without actually, you know, *doing* anything, because we’re poor) our two-year anniversary. For a peek back at how our first date went, look here.
We never did get together – now that you’re feeling better (although, alas for the Swift), we could maybe meet downtown after work some night?
As I’ve mentioned, my cousin is in town for a bit, so we may end up hanging out all together, but I’m sure she’d love to see you!
We could get together tomorrow night (Thursday) and hang out just the two of us? Otherwise, Friday and Saturday will include Keira.
Let me know when you’re free and we can hook up. Warning: I’ve been going crazy doing citations after work every night this week, including my anniversary and Valentine’s Day, so I might be a tad sketchy, socially-speaking. I also might feel compelled to bring work with me wherever we go, in case you need to go to the bathroom or something and I can edit even one sentence out of an overblown bio.
All work and no play makes Pipes stop being able to relate to humans in a manner that doesn’t involve compressing their existence into a 200-word biographical extract.
Shoot – tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday are all taken up for me – I’ve got a work thing tomorrow, I’m keeping Friday free in case I need to visit my Mom (she’s having laser eye surgery on that day – not sure if she’ll be downtown on the night of), and Saturday I’m headed back to the Montreal Bistro (though you’re welcome to join if you like).
I’ll e-mail you and we can plan for a day next week?