Thanks to Neil G. for this link to a company that specializes in constructing hidden passageways: as in, pull a book and your bookshelf opens to reveal a passage, or turn a candlestick and your fireplace rotates you into another room a la Nancy Drew. I love love love that there is a company I can call to build these features into my dream home, whenever and wherever I buy it. Awesome.
Argh! Why did I not know about this 3 months ago before they started on my house??
That’s so cool. 🙂
far, far too appealing for those with devious minds. thanks, cause now i’ll spend all day thinking about the possibilities :p
Yeah, but isnt it prudent to kill whoever contructed the passge so they cant tell anyone else about it?
I must have one. I must get rich enough to have one first, but I must have one… Personally I’m leaning toward the chair seat that lifts up so that you can slide down the twisty tunnel to the room below.
A friend of mine, last time the LJ interview meme went around, when asked what sort of secret passage she’d put in, answered that she’d put a trap door to the furnace, with the trigger book being a children’s book near to the floor.