The big award ceremony I’ve been working evenings and weekends to get ready for took place this afternoon and now it’s over and my feet hurt and I won’t know what to do with myself tomorrow but what a relief to have it done and no big awful crises or anything. Phew.
This should also signal the end of my LJ posting dry spell. Sorry about the silence, but it’s been extreeeemely busy over here.
I also sent my Nintendo quilt off to be machine quilted yesterday, which was the end of another big project — the lady says she’ll have it back to me by March 13th, and then I can submit it for the quilt show that my guild is putting on at the Neilsen Park Creative Centre from March 24-26.
Tonight I will get home, take my shoes off, have a nice hot bath, and then post a massive backlog of photos I’ve been storing up of quilt projects I’ve done. It will give me some closure.
Later, I need to deposit a cheque, call the dealership where my dead car continues to rot in peace, and try to book some sort of vacation with my stupid United airline credit. Later.